
But please, please warn those to whom you serve the cake that you put coffee in it. It’s a rare sensitivity, but coffee really does make some of us sick.

A friend of mine got maggot therapy as part of a study. He said it just tickled a little and his wound healed faster than usual.

“Light, loose FIGHTING clothes”? Man, it must be ROUGH where you sleep!

Being cool won’t give you a cold. Only exposure to a rhinovirus will do that. I find that not having my nose dried out by overheated air helps protect me from viruses.

So, is it eldrich, my precious? Is it cyclopean?

I don’t get the whole “See what happens when I pour Molten X onto Y” thing. Is it a Boy Thing?

We need a similar site for road trips.

I make a loaf of sourdough bread every week. The best place in my apartments for sourdough to rise is my gas oven. The pilot light keeps the dough at an optimal temperature while rising. I’ve learned that if I am in a hurry and add a little commercial yeast to my dough, the bread needs a preheated oven to turn out

At least I know enough to call it Roman history instead of “Rome history”, and I have read Seutonius and Tacitus. Have you?

It makes sense that the coin comes from that series. Aside from Nero and some other nut cases, Roman emperors generally didn’t claim divine honors while living. The series is sort of like a Franklin Mint Presidents set—not a large issue and not in general circulation.

Still wrong. “Augustus”, not “Augusts”.

The Onavo protect app is a combined VPN and anti phishing app. The only site it blocks is this harmless library site.

Here’s the rest of the story. It’s still short on details, but at least it has a photo you can enlarge. The one in this post is so small you can't even tell the emperor is Augustus.

I’ve been trying out a VPN, but the only site it blocks is my library’s website, where I’m not sharing anything critical. This is frustrating.

You seem to be using “bacteria” and “bacterium” at random here. “Bacteria” is plural, “bacterium” singular.

If those Lenovos are anything like my husband’s, they are going to be SO sorry! His arrived full of bloatware and even a bit of malware.

Coffee would be a migraine/inducing abomination for me. I swear, cooking writers these days put coffee and bourbon in everything.

Since when is Shepherd’s Pie traditional for St. Patrick’s Day?

This is why you should use a nose print instead of a fingerprint.

Sounds as if we need to update The Green Hills of Earth.