
They’re just doctored biscuit mix.

I used Drizly a few times, but never again! Last time we tried it, the delivery guy threw rocks at our window rather than calling our phone number to get us to come down and open the apartment building front door.

My Dad loved sword and sandal movies, the cheesier the better. He loved that one, but his absolute favorite was some gladiator movie during which he spotted an air conditioner in a tower window.

I’ve tried two of his books and given both of them up in frustration. Was his mother frightened by a literary fiction anthology while he was in the womb?

I think the name of the Brigantes comes from a proto-Celtic root meaning high, elevated or exalted. They were basically proto-highlanders.

Yet another reason to avoid secluded forest pools!

Does it come with a side of E. coli or Salmonella?

Does it come with a side of E. coli or Salmonella?

Thanks! Who needs the game anyway?

I am currently reading Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen. I would say that there is rather too much sex in this book to be really Austenesque.

Here’s another mistranslation: gula actually translates as gluttony. I learned that one as a teen in a Catholic high school as part of a unit on deadly sins, and my dictionary confirms the memory. Are we sure that the paper’s authors were using good dictionaries, or were they using informants who either didn't know

I have oolong leaves that expand to at least six times their dry size.

It’s adorable, but doesn't leave enough room for leaf expansion.

Ours isn’t an upscale suburb, but mostly working class and low to mid-middle class. You don’t have to be well off to care more about your kid’s health than football games.

My local high school discontinued football this fall because so few boys wanted to play. Worry about brain and other injuries was apparently a factor. The soccer and basketball teams are thriving and have tons of community support .

ANY pair of shoes? How would they work with heels?

To be honest , I am more than a little tired of being informed in the last paragraph of a story about some neato cool product that it's just a concept and won't be put into production.

My parents and I went to the falls in 1969, when all the water was diverted to the Canadian Falls. It was a twofer—glimpsing the rocks of the American side through scaffolding and enjoying the double-big, double-noisy Canadian Falls!

Glad to hear they’ve improved. When I tried one 20 years ago, I had problems with fit and leakage. Nowadays, I don't need menstrual products at all and don't miss them at all.

Ithink I would rather have a giant clam lighting up my living room than a giant TV!

Actually, it is. Stuffed crocs were common enough props in alchemical/magical workshops that they became a cliche. They were a combination of potion ingredient, evocation of ancient Egypt and propto impress the credulous.