
People often hand them out at events for free, so if you keep your eyes open, you don't need to spend anything.

Miles Vorkosigan! His parents have their problems, but they aren’t evil, and their dedication to him helps make it possible for a man less than five feet tall with multiple teratogenic problems to grow up into an action hero. Admittedly, an action hero whose bones break like chalk, but a hero nonetheless! His

And it’s warm in Boston?

I bet it’s still damned near impossible to get in and out of that hammock, though.

The darkest Rickman film I can think of is Closet Land, in which Rickman played an interrogator. I haven't seen that film for 15 years, but thinking of it still makes me shudder.

Yes, but what does Marge Innovera say about it?

I told her “That was really terrible,” to which she replied “I’m sorry”!

I wonder if the Celts were keeping ancestral skulls in their dwellings at that period as they did later on. That might account for finding just one skull on the site. “The house is on fire! Grab a few things and let’s get out of here!” “Say, did you grab Grandpa Cogidumnus’s head? No? Well, crap!”

It’s amazing how much that top image resembles sour gummy worms.

I am about to write what many here will see as heresy, but Bowie had a minimal influence on my life. I never listened to his music except in a sporadic, desultory way, and never much liked him as an actor. The most impact I can associate with Bowie dates to 1972, when I was a skinny red-haired teenager with little

Spinach is not such a great suggestion. If you eat more than fairly modest amounts of it, your calcium and iron absorption suffers.

I would trade everything ever written by China Miéville, including all unpublished manuscripts, for the third novel in Pat Rothfuss’ Kingkiller series. Miéville certainly doesn't rock my world with his brand of literary fiction posing as SF. There are certainly a handful of interesting looking books on your list,

The equivalent folder on my phone is called USELESS Crap.

The stink of Febreze gives me a migraine. I think I can manage to live without this exciting development.

I side with the ample scientific evidence (sorry, I don’t have citations but there is a pile of it) that our dear friend decomposition would stop the “apocalypse” before it started.

Sigh. Feedly left off the word “Zones” in their title preview. I was hoping maybe there was a plugin for time travelers.

You know, if an employer of mine went into a facility full of customers and operated a potentially explosive device, I’d probably suspend him too.

I haven’t thought of Solar Pons in years! Thanks for reminding me.

Now I have an ear worm of John and Abigail Adams singing back and forth at each other in 1776:

Really? That’s weird. Maybe my memory is faulty, but I seem to recall car radios as standard equipment in the 50s.