Why don’t they just let the drivers order via the drive-thru, that way the food will be super fresh. The driver can then describe how fresh and delicious it was while he ate it on the way to deliver your bag of ketchup packets.
Why don’t they just let the drivers order via the drive-thru, that way the food will be super fresh. The driver can then describe how fresh and delicious it was while he ate it on the way to deliver your bag of ketchup packets.
Not that crazy of a suggestion, when such sympathizers include actual police.
Simple really. Only immigrants get to own guns.
I’d sign up if he was promising something worthwhile, like ice cream as healthcare.
In blackface.
Anyone else see that she’s just a plant by the Trump campaign brought to you by Rosneft?
Kate’s right about the salt getting on your fingers (and shelled peanuts) anyway, without the additional saliva. You might as well lick your fingers, Kevin, since your sticking them in yer mouth anyway.
Elephant detected.
The trick is to grasp the whole tassel firmly, and twist as you pull as if you were yanking your little sister’s ponytail out of her skull for snitching on you to your parents.
The diagnostic tool is your eyes and brain to read through that blog post of affected apps.
I’m a world-renowned problem solver and this one is easy.
You know the douchebags that show their ass on Nextdoor are the same dipshits who spend all day shitposting on Kinja. In other words, the Kinjaverse has metastasized.
Because making mistakes is part of life.
Peeping on his mom, no less.
Lard or gtfo.
Godwin’ed and Streisan’ed in one tweet.
Thank you. And there is a further distinction between the extermination camps of the Nazis (which no one is comparing these to) and the concentration camps that they started out as (which is an apt comparison).
Poochie or bust.