Oogle these words, they're scrumptious -
Oogle these words, they're scrumptious -
“House Republicans are ready to get The Rona, baby! [CNN]”
Hey, don’t hassle her. Kellyanne is looking rough...not just Kellyanne rough (we’re used to that), but REALLY rough. Three years of Oval Office-mandated plastic surgery for blonde office staff has taken its toll...not to mention the thousands of spontaneous runs up to the residence with a Big Mac in one hand and…
Millenials and gen-z don’t show up to the polls. We were spoilt for choice yet the primaries were decided by older folks. All those tweets and facebook posts amounted to nothing for Bernie Sanders. Young women barely cast a glance at Elizabeth Warren. Julian Castro never even registered. In the UK, the youth led…
Kellyanne: If you can stand in line for a cupcake, you can stand in line to vote
This is one of those moments where the phrase “class war” becomes as literal as it can get. It’s also the moment where the governing class’ typical strategy to deflect from class warfare (namely, divide and conquer) becomes as transparently obvious as it can be.
This is just more proof that Yelp is totally useless as a real-world representation of anything.
I especially love that the rescue took the dog back from her. I guarantee you, this woman is the type of Karen who takes her dog into normally dog-free areas, and when people ask her to leave because it’s not a licenced service animal, she snaps back that “Don’t you know he’s a rescue? He’ll feel abandoned and have a…
I’m submitting this piece for a Pulitzer.
The first time I went out into the world with a mask on, I had just drank a coffee. Every time since I make sure I gargle with mouth wash and brush my teeth before putting the mask on. Not making that mistake again.
I rarely do this, but everyone here needs to know about this:
Gonna be honest. He ain’t wrong, it just wasn’t his place to be saying this shit. But any black person that votes for Trump is a fool because he’s obviously a racist. He is the favored candidate of the white supremacist. And he himself has described himself as a nationalist.
Vice News can trot out all the 2 hour prime time specials & “what if”(a la Bobby Kennedy) biopics they want. Pretty sure Bernie won’t go hungry given the book & talk circuit (not to mention his rather GENEROUS Congressial pention.) He was a paper tiger & all the bald headed Grandma glasses wearing Nina Turner’s & fat…
And they’ve quietly stacked the lower courts with young idealogues to keep all of this bullshit locked in place for the next half-century.
woodsy was a actual KKK MEMBER
they’re that flimsy because the ideals therein were buoyed by pure, unearned belief. BELIEF is what drives this fucking country.
Trump Is only doing what the GOP always wanted to do but didn’t have the complete balls to do until they found a loudmouth Idiot to hide behind while he said and did the things they always wanted to say.
And who knew you could just dismiss inspectors general whenever you suspect they might provide real oversight?
Yep, The Boomers’ entire philosophy boils down to “If I can ignore it, it isn’t a problem; and if I can’t ignore it, I’ll blame someone else and soldier on.” And they’re locked into an “If I can’t have it, no one can” death spiral at present.