manifold danger

I liked the campaign....sure, Kit was under utilized and I think they could have narrowed the scope a bit a la Titanfall 2; but, I thought it was the best since BLOPS2.....BLOPS 3 was the worst of all.

The campaign in this game was top tier, it’s a nonsense to say it was generic. I played it right after Titanfall 2's campaign, and found much of it to be genuinely thrilling. There was one early mission where there was a ground fight, then a blast-into-space dogfight, then a space walk, followed by a breach into a

I don’t care what people are going to say but CoD infinite single player campaign was one of the best fps single player experience I had in a while and it felt fresh compare to the other CoD.

Crossovers are the true vehicle we need need to get together and fight as Jalops.

Thank god for this. Destiny 2 is in a really strange place for me right now that I’ve never experienced in a game before. It’s a game I really want to play but feel there is nothing in it for me to do that’s worthwhile. I’m LL 304, decked out in raid weapons and have beaten all the core content.

Mechanically I love

I can’t tell you who is right, I can only tell you who has the highest probability of being right. And this only requires the most elementary levels of observation here. Joe Rando’s claims about the interaction of code he knows nothing about are being held against a team of 150+ programmers, coders, designers, who

Why would you spend that much time playing a boring game? Do you just hate yourself or something?

For every person who is legitimately incorrectly banned (it does happen), there are 999 who were rightly banned and are trying to garner sympathy or trick a customer service rep.

100 percent of the people that complain about 911s can’t afford one anyway.

“Well, it’s turbocharged. I wanted an NA one.”

Heh. As if Donny Two Scoops would “read” any coloring books with words in them. Imagine the briefings he gets.

And then there’s this:

Couldn’t edit my last, so here’s this little guy. Street parked, usually.

I think Charmin Sandiego is a better name than The Mad Pooper.

(clap ... clap) ya know, your dick ain’t any bigger just because its been hanging around here for years. Getting some jollies off of showing blood splatter reveals a lot about one’s deficiencies.

Structural engineer here. The fact that this is the largest of the 3 (apparent) braces running across the short axis of the car to stiffen the frame rails tells me it has the most load on it (yes real engineering-ish). I’m having a hard time orienting the pictures with each other but regardless: corners are always the

The iPhone 8's dimensions are larger than 5.5". But the display is 5.5" on the iphone 8, yet this is smaller but the screen is larger. Takes two seconds to understand this.

I am getting the impression that this is an on point analysis. I said in my OP, I thought he was one of the “decent” sports talkers, not one of the best. With SVP, he rose to that level; with Kannell, he seemingly sunk. If he found a better level now, and doesn’t throw out hot takes or indulge in racist/misogynist