manifold danger

Two phony rocket attacks in one week.

This game leaves an indelible mark.

Top 15 Cars people can’t be bothered to trade in.

+1 on shopping nationally as others have said. But I don’t get why people shit on the 4C like they do. A guy I autox with has one and brings it out often. So from my first hand experience you really can’t compare it to a Cayman. A Cayman is perfection. The 4C is so incredibly far from perfect. IMHO that is the POINT

The tone of the article is that we’re supposed to root for this woman because the victim is a Trump supporter, ie, it might as well have been his fault, and he was asking for it, why did he even have this woman in his home, etc.

Ah, peak liberal hypocrisy. See, I’m all for many liberal ideas, but some liberals... Damn they make it impossible to want to associate.

I don’t get how that’s a stereotype now. Because some parents choose to let their kids dress like they feel dresses are not conformed to a specific gender? And because of that we all have to walk on eggshells and watch what we say? As long as its not hurtfully directed towards the child this isn’t a big deal.

“I really should have had that LeBortion.”

Did they introduce Perry McCarthy (the Black Stig)?
Did they introduce Ben Collins (the White Stig)?
Did they ever even disclose who replaced Ben Collins after he spilled the beans?
Did they ever introduce Mike Skinner (the American)?

As long as these 3 idiots are back on TV doing their usual shenanigans, not much care given about being scripted or not.

Once you have driven a convertible, you don’t want to go back. Driving a convertible is like watching tv in color while driving a car with a roof is like watching in black and white.

Plot twist, Xur sells the Lens this week and everyone has it, so Trials goes on.

If a Mustang crashes and no-ones there to film it, does it make a sound?

It didn’t bring about stupidity. Stupidity was always there from the beginning. All the internet did was make it easier to see other’s stupidity.

And people eat it up as evidenced by whoever is clapping. “Fuck yea I’m seeing a wreck!”

Or, it’s everything that’s wrong with modern gamers...people expecting a lifetime of content for one purchase price.

I feel like I’m the only person on the internet who’s really enjoying Destiny 2 and thinks a lot of these changes are good things. Comments sections surrounding the game are full of really dissatisfied people, to put it lightly.

Honestly, this is even better.

I’m willing to bet that she weighs the same as a duck