manifold danger

Good topic, and good story. I basically had an inverse introduction to cars- I actually started out with a 1998 Prelude as my target, so your contingency was my goal!

That concert vid is amazing. From someone who doesn’t like concerts.

Honestly, the fact that I can’t experience this game again for the first time is a deep regret.

Your link to your original review is very broken.

Great take, but I think you meant 718.

That’s an example of false equivalency, and if anything reflects gender bias on YOU for assuming that only boys are interested in cars. Girls and boys grow up and learn to drive. Just because statistically motorsport and a general interest in cars could be viewed as male-dominated doesn’t mean they’re representative

They don’t. Only other meth users would think that.

Best manual gearbox at ANY price? I assume you’ve driven a Cayman/Boxster?

If one is so inclined to focus on comparing it to a formula that was nearly universally loved and undoubtedly successful rather than just shutting the hell up and enjoying themselves, then no, go find something “better” to do.

Don’t forget the 981 Boxster/Cayman.

The “gamer” community just loves to be mad. It is a defining characteristic.

There is no such thing as a floppy chassis in a Boxster.

It’s not for everyone, but you won’t know until you experience it.

On what tires? Canyon driving on winter tires, or driving on summer tires in cold conditions doesn’t really sound fun... scary maybe, but not fun.

I just bought a Boxster GTS, and the roof has been down in sub 40 degree weather with no fucks given, and it’s still early in Winter (albeit not as cold in Maryland as Chicago). However...

Complaints about the show being scripted now... what could you possibly be expecting with a show like this being “unscripted”?

You don’t care for the show enough to write 10 paragraphs over 2 posts complaining about it?

Are you actively trying to not allow yourself to be entertained?

This bothers me. I think there’s a chance for you to enjoy the raid but you’re limited by your environment.

Sorry dude, I just don’t understand why you’re having such a tough time. Maybe it’s not you, it’s the group you’re playing with.