manifold danger

I don’t see the issue.

She Can’t Hear How Bald I Am.

Do You Think She Saw The Viagra?

Who Cares? Dad Barely Drives It Anyway.

Sounds like

People who are manual enthusiasts and people who buy brand new cars are often mutually exclusive.

The car enthusiasts clamoring for manuals in family sedans are like the serial abusers saying “Baby, this time it’ll be different.” Making a ruckus isn’t enough, people need to actually buy the damn thing. And buy it new, not 10 years later after it’s depreciated to nothing.


park in the garage

People that rip on Derrick Rose like he wasn’t a generational talent before his injuries are the lowest form of life. Rose was a better player than Westbrook prior to his injuries and was entirely robbed of his prime.

“Pardon me. Would you have any Grey Poupon?”

since you know they will force a person to have to own all previous DLC in order to play the game

Trust me, you need a 981 in your life.

lol i can tell you’re a big tough person sorry for my comment about how four dudes [EDIT: three + 1 woman my bad] holding one woman shouldn’t punch her, i can tell i’m not tough enough

The problem is you’re describing a $50,000 car now.

You know why the STi is still relevant? Some of us do track days. The STi is one of the few cars in that price range that is built to take this abuse. The Focus RS was a failure for that, thanks to the flimsy diff. Anyone buying a newer car for the track knows this is the best choice.

It’s still a good car... but 24 years with pretty much the same driveline and gaining weight year after year after year.... have take it from something that could destroy muscle cars to something they find comical... look at the cute little wing on the farty sounding flat 4.

For a DD, it probably isn’t worth it. The WRX with the new engine is just a better commuter. IF you track the car, even if its just autocross or whatever, the STi is hands down the way to go if you have the money and want to run a stock class or if you want to mod it. Everything on it is stronger and can handle the

Take any enthusiast car and the previous generation will always be the last real one.

The I in STI is short for “International” (Subaru Technica International). I’m not sure where you’re getting a reference to fuel injection?