manifold danger

I’m no regular listener, but he is generally well-informed, particularly w/r/t the NBA, and seems to avoid throwing down takes for the sake of throwing down takes. Obviously, this also means that he’s automatically disqualified from ever hosting Skippy and Goatface’s Morning Sports Holocaust.

I really don’t understand all the uproar over this. It’s not like he’s done something truly reprehensible, like sit or kneel when other people are standing.


This is a stupidly long piece on a douchey roid guy with a YouTube channel who died relatively young because he was a goddamn idiot.


+1 John Denver tape

997 is worth it for updated headlights alone....

I don’t necessarily agree with you there They’re fundamentally the same car underneath, motor, trans, suspension, brakes etc There isn’t a whole lot to be gained with the 997 over the 996, they have an almost identical list of issues. Every client of mine that has gone from a 996 Carrera to a 997 Carrera has been

You’re right, but people who could never afford one will still whine about it.

I suspect you live in a fantasy world. I can’t find a single SJW organization dedicated to free parking.

Buying a house? Got a car payment? Got kids in college? Have to pay an absurd amount of taxes because someone arbitrarily says “your rich”? It doesn’t go as far as you might think.

Anyone living better than me is rich, anyone less is poor.

Typical dishonest journalism.


Dude drops Apple like it’s hot shit and “csually” talks about all his porche owning friends (DISMISSIVELY EVEN!)

Pictured: Smith talking to his sources.

I mean, I could almost buy this if one of his wish-list destinations were not Minnesota.

IS it NECESSARY for Lebron to drink his own urine?? No, but he does it anyway because it’s sterile and he likes the taste.

Lotus says in its press release that the GT430 is a mere 2,773 pounds, hundreds of pounds lighter than the Evora 400.

Gun idolaters are always serious. Guns solve all problems presented by the human condition. The only question remains, what would Jesus shoot? .223 or 7.62?

This is quickly becoming my favorite feature on the site. Always interested to see how the cars of my childhood (80s) stack up to today. For every good one (Conquest/Starion twins) there’s a bad one (most everything with a GM stamp on it).