manifold danger

Ok... didn’t “read the leak”... what’s to read, exactly? It’s an SMB exploit that allows execution of arbitrary code that was dumped on the internet last month that’s apparently attributed to the NSA.

Since when is the National Security Agency considered “law enforcement”?

Is it cute?

...but you could prob get one today for like $8k.

And it still doesn’t account for files worked on since the last backup...

One more time because I’m in the grays and not one of the cool kids, the “exploit” part of this worm isn’t even completely confirmed, and will very likely only apply to how it replicates. Even if you patch the exploit, if it lands on your computer, it WILL STILL ENCRYPT YOUR FILES; but maybe won’t spread beyond your


The patch won’t stop the ransomware. It’ll only (allegedly) stop the replicating component.

The incessant satire is tiring Kristen.

I would recommend the Cayman GTS as well, but there probably aren’t too many of them so FUCK YEAH GET A 911.

I see so much evidence of people not allowing themselves to be entertained, or wishing for something to fail... and this TG vs GT feud is just another example of that. If anything, just be happy there are two very entertaining shows that revolve around things that appeal to car enthusiasts.

It’s amazing that most of the time when you have questions like these, they’re usually contained within the contents of the article.

No you’re not. It’s watchable, whereas the previous season was not... but it’s boring as all hell and I’ve almost completely lost interest after watching the first three episodes.

Venti starbucks is definitely two cups of coffee. If somebody is downing four of those a day, it probably doesn’t matter what you tell them.

Infinite Warfare was a very good game I enjoyed immensely.

So in the concept of a completely neutral stance “for the sake of the state”, how would any of this injection nonsense be more palatable than a single bullet to the head? Or even better, a similar method to what’s used in slaughterhouses? If it’s good enough to kill a cow instantly should work for a human being just

Can’t star this comment enough.

God damn it.

For fuck’s sake how do you know all of this won’t be in the game from a two-minute trailer?

Believe me I get it- for the initiated a manual can make even a soul-sucking commute fun in some ways but if you find yourself repeatedly slogging through endless traffic it adds up and it was enough to get me to hop off the bandwagon. It does annoy me that people can’t see past their own perception when they complain