manifold danger

You clearly have no experience with real traffic. Come hang out on the DC beltway between 7 and 9am, 3 and 6 pm, or any time a deer runs across the road or a paint bucket falls off the back of somebody’s truck or God forbid an accident. Join us as you repeatedly alternate between going 12-15 mph and stopping. In other

For me it was preceded by immense nerve pain in my left shoulder. I thought it was a pinched nerve but kept getting worse. That lasted a good 3-4 days before the rash showed up, conveniently on the morning I decided I needed to see a doctor. One glance at the rash and the doctor knew exactly what it was. The only


And I assure you they’ll continue to do so. It just won’t carry the M badge.

Looks like this has already been covered but just in case you’re wondering-

I’d love if someone swapped out your fruit juice for liquid meth.

Way too expensive, even at the expected ~$105k price point. Really wondering who’s in the market for this car that would buy this over a 911 for the same price. Exclusivity? Is this along the same lines as that lime rock edition e92?

As someone who is in the market for a rear wheel drive sports car once the lease on my M4 is up in 15 months, I’m wondering the exact same thing.

That’s ok, there are literally thousands of people still playing the game 3 years later who apparently have a more robust attention span than you.

People really need to start coming around to this game. So many times, expectation outweighs reason and if enough people on the Internet chime in with their nitpicking suddenly it becomes “trash” and simple things like inconsistent animations become overplayed to the point of idiocy.

Both sides of this argument are retarded.

You are the problem.

That’s what we’re all here for, right? I mean, you came in to a Destiny post to talk about how you and yer boyz don’t like Destiny amirite? AMIRITE.

“Most people you know” don’t represent the target demographic.

Right. I’m sure you could have done so much better.

Destiny has become the new Call of Duty as far as polarization between an adoring fanbase and an ever-present group of haters who don’t even play the game.

You must have never done a raid, and therefore your opinion is invalid.

The fuck is wrong with you people.

It did drag on just a little beyond where it should have, but yes I agree the Internet echo chamber has really had an effect on a lot of people’s perception of this game.

BS detector is pegged...