manifold danger

Didn’t read article, nor comments, but can absolutely attest to this being 100% categorically false.

I actually feel like I did pretty damn good. I had help from the wife, who generally insists I make characters that look like her.

Fucking do it.

FFS yes. If there ever was an exclusive game that made an entire console purchase worth it, it’s this.

Irrelevant comparison. Headliners don’t require much engineering bruh.

De-badgers have their own stereotype, and it’s far worse than “D-bag bro” or “midlife crisis”.

It’s an easy call if you need a back seat.

Let me fulfill that stereotype for you:

This is pretty much bullshit, none of these variants actually move the needle on gaining a legitimate competitive advantage. This is a whole lot of crying over spilled milk.

You did the exact same thing I did, which is fine. Nioh is totally worth it. Keep playing Nioh until you feel you’re ready, even knowing you’ll come back to it eventually...

Just keep going, it’s a slow build and kind of by design. You’re in a world full of shit that no one can explain but has just come to accept. Eventually you find out why, and it’s a true “shit hit the fan” moment unlike any other game I’ve ever played.

There is some value to this article, but it’s incredibly misleading. Enhancing browsing habit hygiene is great, but you can’t assume that you won’t ever mistakenly navigate to a compromised website, or that legitimate sites can’t host malware either.

I agree with your initial statement, but what is your conclusion of this best combination based off of? What kinds of testing did you perform during your evaluation of a wide variety of endpoint security platforms? What gaps in one solution are made up for by the other? Are you still vulnerable to net new malware

The ignorance and narcissism of the general population is staggering, and it’s being amplified by petulant libertarian hipsters.


Just saying.

I have two children. You wouldn’t get a chance to fall asleep to have a nightmare if you did this to my kids.

You’re either full of shit, or the exception to the rule. Or maybe both?

The RS5 has been historically overpriced for its relative lack of competitiveness in the segment. It presents a great sense of style and luxury but dollar to dollar it always gets pummeled by rivals in comparison tests.

God just stop. This is clickbait at this point.