manifold danger

Which will only ever make any relevant impact during a track day.

Isn’t that the point?

For anybody claiming to be an automotive enthusiast, it shouldn’t be this hard.

If you insist, I didn’t look up the part numbers. It’s a dual clutch transmission in an SUV, what more do you want?

Negative. The Macan has the PDK.

I believe that BMW is not known for producing V6s, and that’s pretty obvious to anyone who knows the brand. Including you, which I’m assuming is why you posted in the first place.

Makes no difference. They don’t make production v6 engines, so how the hell can the author claim to say they have “extensive experience”? It even states directly in the article that they don’t make production v6s because they can’t get it right.


First of all, get off his nuts. He still is and always will be a traitor, so stop fawning over the fact that he’s “in the know” and remind yourself that he committed a horrendous act against our country for the sake of “principle”. Doing anything but condemning him for this reveals you are either stupid enough to

O rly? And who is?

Based on our posts, which one of us do you objectively think should chill the fuck out?

Dumb comparison. I have an M4 and would rather have a GT4.

Or it could be your sample size is limited to a stoplight encounter, and you should consider refraining from comment.

Well go buy an SS then pal.

“True lightweight”- not from BMW.

I concede that it doesn’t have the glorious sound of the E92... IMO one of the best sounding motors out there.

After just telling the OP to drive one...

Here’s an idea-

Also after you have to recharge before you can get any runs in??

Reinforcing Porsche as my absolute favorite auto manufacturer.