This is what’s infuriating to me. You used to be able to see across the parking lot and find your car. With cars being replaced my SUVs limo black rear windows, it’s impossible to see one row over, or even back out of your space.
So cool that this was preserved.
Just wait until Trump’s and Musk’s meddling and ADD “governing” raises the price of gas to $8 a gallon.
That’s because the Chinese play the long game and invest in the future while we fight over crap like DEI and which bathrooms people use, and start all over again every 4 years.
This. Everybody else is moving ahead, while we’re moving backwards.
I wouldn’t drive a Mach-E if you gave me one.
I’m sure the Porsche and Audi quality and reliability will go through the roof when $7 an hour Kentuckians start building them.
Yes, let’s rush it out ASAP! Paint it gold too!
Why is he still CEO of two companies? Can you imagine the outcry if the CEO of McDonald’s or Chevrolet had done all the things he’s done?
And nothing of value was lost...
I’m surprised they didn’t go with: “Chevy Citation: It’s a real moving violation!”
I don’t think any German cars are meant to be “owned and operated on a budget”.
That’s a face only a mother could love.
Why would you park in front of one charger but use the next one over like the picture appears to show? Just to be a jerk and take up two spots?
Meh, they only make like 3 awkward looking Barfovers anyway.
God, I forgot what it’s like to feel a night temp over 50 degrees. It’s been below freezing every night here in Portland for the past 2 weeks and it’s going to be another week of this frigid dry crap before temps rise.
Oregon drivers are bad enough in the snow, and we at least usually get 2-3 inches or so of snow a year to practice in. I can’t image how atrocious Floridians or Louisianians would be in it.
That’s just going to raise the prices of the big dumb expensive trucks and SUVs the big 3 are addicted to even mere.