Glad someone did the math. When Tesla offers 1000 free miles of supercharging its about the same since you get about 4 miles per KWH. They might aswell just give you a free XL t-shirt.
Glad someone did the math. When Tesla offers 1000 free miles of supercharging its about the same since you get about 4 miles per KWH. They might aswell just give you a free XL t-shirt.
Most people who watched it probably forget the most important part of racing, you go stupidly fast and are required to trust that other racers around you all have a common understanding of how to go stupidly fast together.
This tech is also evolving super quick, a problem from last year might be gone this year. I still don’t expect full Level 5 for a very long time, like 5-10 years out. But Level 4 on the highway makes sense as the first big thing to tackle and we should be there in the next 1-3 years, depending mostly on legislation.
This is why I’d like to see a comparison between average loan length and average ownership length. If people are taking out longer loans but keep the cars longer, its fine, but if they dont keep them longer its definitely not good. Unless its an APR under 3-4% and then its basically free since inflation is typically…
I love the idea of a frunk tool chest. You could even have open up all the shelves when the hood opens. When I travel I throw anything valuable in the frunk of my car since people cant see in there, and there is no easy to break in, and many people don’t even know it exists.
What was the list? All I can think of is sockets to run equipment off of, otherwise just be a truck and its an instant win.
That video sounded exactly like FH4, nothing bad, just nothing radically different. Maybe someone will do a comparison video and I can be proven wrong.
Ive had an idea a while ago that Elon should make some engine noises and the car would synthetically pump that through the speakers for people who want to fake rev-up their EVs. However we all know that would just lead to a bunch of people driving into walls at full throttle showing off their Elon ICE mode.
I thought there was also a law that a part can replace an OEM one as long as it does the job same or better than OEM. Pretty sure a brass fitting is better than a plastic one. Also having it as a fitting rather than solid plastic that cannot be replaced is better too. I want to know who thought it was a good idea for…
This feels like a great screenplay for a Rick and Morty voiceover.
My go-to is ‘literally’ now that it also means its sarcastic self. Which is literally hilarious.
wow, they even edited the mountain in the back for some reason.
The frunk on the i3 requires you to reach for that hidden latch and get all dirty just to put stuff into a small storage area still hit by the elements. Never used it. Others however do a better job sealing it and it opens just like a trunk, then it gets used more. If you can make a better interior layout, or balance…
I predict all battery stations will be a self service one, you pull in and press a button and machines will take care of it all. But Jersey will still require an attendant to press that button and people from Jersey will have no idea how to swap their battery when they leave the state.
so you don’t end up inheriting a lemon of a battery
Finally they explained the meanings, before it was just 4 different words for going fast in a car. Next I want to see values change as you play across seasons. Like as experience goes up maybe pace goes down a little but awareness goes up. These are humans who can go past their prime, and the game does let you do a…
1st Gear, maybe the low interest rates have a factor in higher lending, that is the point of having low interest rates, to make loans happen. I bet if we compared total outstanding credit vs interest rate things wouldnt look so insane. The market is definitely messed up thanks to a year of covid though. People could…
I think the ‘manual’ part went extinct for most loans a while ago.
I think this is most plausible, he just never asks ‘how long’ he just says how long they have.
I would love to know what source Elon has for his dates. He must be in some kind of meeting where his engineering leads are like ‘3 months minimum if there are no issues”, and Elon hears 3 weeks somehow.