Someone also on reddit did a mock up of the neat visual design choices at work and how it directs player attention without needing billboard interface overlay or neon arrows:
Someone also on reddit did a mock up of the neat visual design choices at work and how it directs player attention without needing billboard interface overlay or neon arrows:
A Telsa Model S weighs about as much as an F150 or an E-class, a Model 3 weighs about as much as your average CUV. So they’re really not heavier. Yes, they don’t use gas but using gasoline taxes an essential source of infrastructure funding is what lead the US to the mess it is in.
Kyle Conner (Out of Spec Motoring on YouTube) moved from NC to CO a couple years back and drove a REX i3 the whole way filling up a gallon and a half at a time. I think somewhere in Missouri his credit card was blocked due to odd spending habits and he had to call to get it reactivated. I thought that was pretty…
Agreed, I bought one used last year and it’s a delightful little commuter but I’d never shell out $50k for a new one
I have it on good authority that Formula 1 is no longer a sport:
I dont blame the organizers for not refunding, if they want to keep a race there they probably couldnt afford to refund after having paid the fees. The FIA should have done the refunds. I was at the 2006 USGP tire debacle and I got my tickets refunded from Michelin plus free seats for the next year.
Does anyone else besides me remember when we didn’t have social media, but we did have web forums where folks went to chat or bitch about their cars and maybe racing and there were MODERATORS who made sure that stupid stuff said on the forum got shut down really fast?
I’ve never purchased a car from a dealership and gotten the title right away. Just a bill of sale. And if it were sold through the dealer they could have stepped in before the sale was through and said “yo. You owe money for this car and can’t sell it” or there would be a contract and they’d have no right to reposess…
Ford stock holders would like you to stop typing now.
Are they going to bring light trucks fuel economy standards to parity with passenger cars?
No Michael No!!! It’s not fair Michael!
and I don’t think it’s fair to Max to think less of his championship because of it.
I’m also getting really annoyed with people (such as the Wolffs) repeatedly saying Max earned it, and that he and Red Bull are great competitors and worthy champions, then in the next sentence saying “but it was unfairly stolen from us.” Until you cross the finish line first, it’s anyone’s race to lose. And I’m…
The rechargeable AAs from Amazon Basics should do the trick.
Cap is so low now, teams will be confined to using only 6 AA’s, or 1 9-volt battery per car, per race. It’s INSANITY!
Hey people who don’t use our product. To make sure you aren’t being stalked by our product please download this software we made. Don’t forget to allow the program to use your location, otherwise it wont work right.
Apple just released an app for Android users so they, too, can be notified of AirTags they may not be aware of.
Action: buy a gas guzzler that requires premium fuel and drive it 44k miles per year
I’m genuinely curious to hear what most peoples’ suggested alternative would have been.
Wow, I don’t know how to feel about this one.