
Probably the kid isn’t autistic at all. Just messed up because she has parents that would name a kid Music.

The thing I absolutely don’t understand is, if Palmer and Hartmann were crazy enough to try to officially disenfranchise an entire city in a mad pass at reversing a national election, why did they change their minds?

They didn’t explain how the reversal had come about.”

I work in TechTown, the building Ned runs. That dude is good people. Glad to see he shat upon the heads of these two.

That Ned Staebler quote automatically qualifies him as the greatest Ned in history. I mean, that was EPIC.

Wrong. The right wing is corrupt and anti-American at its core. All of the voter fraud is coming from the right wing. “Both sides” is bullshit.

Native Americans. Colonize; drive off Native Americans; massacre the rebellious and stuff the survivors in shitty reservations. Give their leaders shiny distraction like casinos.

The Q-crowd should be pushed off that cliff..

I don’t see how we move forward as a country without bringing the Q crowd back from the edge of the cliff, and I’m all ears for ideas on how to do that.

I’m not really one to promote conspiracy theories but look up hammer and scorecard.”

This is our reality now. Real-time gaslighting and the propagation of conspiracy theories in the name of keeping people informed and up-to-date on important issues. I don’t see how we move forward as a country without bringing the Q

The comedian George Wallace describes the taste of Tab as like if “formaldehyde and cotton candy had a baby”

According to the Post, the events are endorsed by Fox News host Sean Hannity, Proud Boys chairman Enrique Tarrio, Jack Posobiec—who famously pushed the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory that led to a shooting at Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in D.C., anti-Muslim and pro-Trump “activist” Scott Presler, and Alex Jones, the

This is a case study of how harmful “both sides” journalism can be. Voter ID laws first started bubbling up during the Bush administration, around 2003 and 2004. The framing of the surrounding controversy in the mainstream media was always some version of “Democrats say [X], while Republicans say [Y],” i.e. “Democrats

Why wouldn’t those loser and suckers in the military support Trump?

I’m fucking done with this administration. y’all know the reasons why. this needs to stop, they need to go to jail and i need some tylenol and a six month vacation somewhere not here.

This was the drink of single Aunts everywhere.

The whole of West Philly.

Stephen Miller getting thrown out of the WH

These posts have filled me up during the dark days Brother Harriot. Keep the love coming. Despite the gentrification up in here, The Root is FUBU.

When one of us is killed, no matter how, another will step up and take our place. So nope, it did not work.