
Remember when people gave Abrams static for taking money from Mike Bloomberg. That shit just paid off big. Not only did she manage to swing Georgia blue. She also made the perfect argument for shooting purity testing in the head and dumping the corpse in the river.

The problem is that the media outlets are ignoring the obvious. Exit polling matches actual voting. This red shift is evidence of voter suppression and vote tampering. However, instead of looking into that they look for all sorts of reasons that aren't that as to why the polls were so off. Ridiculous!

This is what bothers me the most. Not that the people who voted for Trump last time did so again, but that millions of American’s who didn’t bother to vote last time went through the last 4 years and thought, “Yea, you know what, I do want more of this”.

We’re never going to defeat white supremacy. The ideology will always be there. The focus needs to be on defeating the people who practice. We’ll never change their hearts and minds. We just have to find a way to constrain them.

I wish I was more surprised. I’m just disgusted.

California, the biggest Biden win, we're only 33% confirmed racists. Next to LA County is San Bernardino County where they still have the Klan and the Hell's Angels were founded. 

I’ve seen houses where trees and vines grow into the hole in the roof and the first thought is “this must be abandoned.” Then I find a well kept confederate flag and a still working car parked next to it. All in the blue state of Maryland.

Is anyone really surprised by this because I’m not. Hell, so far trump has about 2 million more votes than he had when he won in 2016. That tells me everything I already knew.

You really don’t have to go far from any US city before you’re in CFC (Cousin-Fucker Country). Sometimes, a trip to the suburbs is all it takes.


Maybe, we collectively decided, if we choose one of their own, enough white people will decide to choose an average white man instead of the worst white man.

“The only major electoral difference between Pennsylvania and Alabama is that the biggest cities in PA are large enough to possibly (hopefully) nullify the rest of the state.”

Time to update the “Safe Negro Travel Guide” using the 2020 election results.

Maybe now the incels will stop holding him up as an example of yet another poor, helpless (rich white) man undone by an evil, conniving woman, since an independent judge has now ruled this wasn’t libel?

I have two older children with chronic and severe ADHD and other executive functioning disorders. All I can say to you is that you don’t know what you’re talking about. Yes, a person with severely screwed-up brain chemistry, to the point of mental illness, can CERTAINLY manage themselves if they’re sufficiently self

I suffer from it. It's mainly bc of anxiety and adhd. I check my locks multiple times. I make sure my animals are fed and have water, then windows are checked, then drive. It's not like I'm saying "my life is more important"! Fuck that noise

I purposefully didn’t watch the video of police breaking the windows with a child in a carseat inside. The depth of depraved indifferent ‘wilding’ by cops was gonna be too much for me days before the election.

Good, keep losing your jobs you racist fucks.

We need to remind them of such with a foot up their tail if we wind up back in the cotton field like our ancestors due to their bat——ery. I know I will.

Ice Cube is a 51 year old man who has lived through the last four years of Trump.