
Fuck these grifting parasitic pieces of shit and the White Supremacist, alternative-facts horseshit demagoguery they cashed in on. Not fit to shine my fucking shoes, these two.

Comment of the fucking century. And all those Teabagging Birther fucktards that were ready to commit armed revolt over Obama’s “big gummint spending” were mysteriously silent about Trump’s record deficits? Curious, no?

I still remember the taste. SO gross. Chemical-sweet, sickeningly-saccharine goodness.

Let’s celebrate this historic, critical victory. Breathe, thank all those that fought, reaffirm our hope in the possibility of human decency. Then get ready to fight like hell. Bc Trump and his enablers are about to go full Dictator, and will do literally anything, no matter how brazen or dangerous, to cling to power.

Fully agree he’s guilty. Fuck him, and his enablers / apologists, starting with the red pill MRA incel trolls. But I work on gender-based violence and sexual misconduct cases, and ‘balance of probabilities’ is not a higher standard of evidence. It literally means ‘more likely than not.’ Far lower than ‘clear and

Waiting for Coondance Owens to explain how this was NotRacist, and also BLM’s fault.

Act fast investigators. Before Trump grants them a full, preemptive Presidential pardon, and appoints them his new “special advisors on the Blacks.”

We need SCOTUS to restore the clear and unequivocal right to burn witches at the stake. Anything less is just, like, open hatred for Christianity, amirite???

Gotta love the compassion on here. I just come here for the unconditional negative regard. Who needs abusive partners when there’s Jez?

Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses. 

Exactly. Trump is pulling every dirty trick imaginable to disenfranchise black people, Latinx people, and anyone else who might vote against him, so he can take his project of racially bleaching the country to the next level. But last time I checked, Kamala Harris *still* hasn’t changed water into wine. So let’s just

Sure, Trump is pulling every dirty trick imaginable to disenfranchise black people, Latinx people, and anyone else who might vote against him, so he can take his project of racially bleaching the country to the next level. But last time I checked, Kamala Harris *still* hasn’t changed water into wine. So let’s just

All true. also, it’s legit getting harder every day to tell the difference between Racist White Women™, and just, like, everyday-racist white women.

Getting harder every day to tell the difference between Racist White Women™, and just, like, everyday-racist white women.

Excellent points, but what (most of) White America really wants is someone who shares and validates their own bigotries. Trump has delivered on that front more than any American politician in our lifetimes. That’s what inspires the cultish devotion of his base. And their gratitude for Trump’s unvarnished, shared

Where are the all the White women? Mostly busy calling the cops on people who look like me and my kids.

JFC give it a rest. I have no interest whatsoever in BDSM. Vanilla all the way. But I know several people whose sexuality is deeply wired as subs - they are not acting out abuse. These are lifelong friends I’ve known for decades. We worked together on IPV issues, professionally, doing legal aid and counseling. They

Totes understand. Like, I return stuff to Target all the time. *Major impulse shopping issues.* Small, vulnerable humanz are like no diff, amirite?

So I think the whole “unscripted moments with Kayleigh McEnany” idea didn’t actually pan out so well.

“Racist white woman.” Might as well say “liquid water” or “edible food.”