
Sure, folks have every right to bone stupid, hot people (stupidly hot people?) But please, let’s draw the line at Trumpers. That’s a bridge too far, and is more about basic human decency than intellect. Just saying.

Now now, be nice. I’m sure we all have several secretly-adopted children who appear to be older than we are, to whom we lovingly refer as “Local Student.”

I often refer to my child as “Local Student 1,” so.

You know, it’s almost like this Mayor is an unapologetically racist POS.

Wow, absolutely brilliant writing. Thank you for this. The false claims of “persecution” are all over JK Rowling’s recent transphobic screeds, too. I loved your points about bigots claiming victimization because “they aren’t allowed” to spew hate (newsflash, they are and they do!) I’ve had so many (former) friends

Yes, you’re definitely the true victim here. Please, for once, step back and don’t make it about you.

Pinching myself. Is it still 2020? I thought it was an eschatological nightmares only year... Utterly startled to read some actual good news, reaffirming basic human decency and fairness. (*pinches self again*)

You’re not the problem. You are whole, and perfect. But the phenomenon ofdouble consciousness’ described by DuBois is real, where we simultaneously see ourselves as whole/human, and at the same time as white culture sees us (threatening, less deserving, less human). And that becomes triple consciousness for women of

This article exemplifies everything I’ve experienced with white feminism for the better part of 30 years. 

UK feminism is really weird and very TERFy. See Germaine Greer.

Thank you for writing this critically important piece. Just last year, my brother was handcuffed facedown on the asphalt, surrounded by a SWAT team with guns pointed at him, as his wife and infant daughter looked on, paralyzed that they might witness him being executed on the spot. Another case of mistaken identity.

The slave plantation weddings, like the one Lively and Reynolds had, are unbelievably grotesque and callous. If Auschwitz had charming period decor, would these people be lining up to get married there too?

“Antebellum Allure”??? Is Blake Lively high? Like, yes, revisit the charming allure of the American South when black people were still slaves, and black women could be raped with impunity by slave owners and black men could be mutilated and lynched without a second thought. Oh, and here’s some sweet tea, and a frilly

As a person living at the crossroads of these identities, this is a painful but necessary conversation. It’s time, I think, for people to do better, including white women who call themselves feminists.

Thanks for writing this.

Wait, you mean you *don’t* love how Jez has transformed from clever, feminist cultural commentary into a lobotomized version of the Burn Book from “Mean Girls?” Huh. Go figure.

Hear hear. I mean, who are we to criticize Saint Biden? Who among us has never forcibly pinned another human being against a wall and jammed our fingers inside them? (Well, I haven’t). But I’m clearly abnormal. So no biggie, amirite?

Nice meangirl bullshit. This couple was essentially hounded out of the UK for daring to be a multiracial family in the lily white halls of British royalty. The venom hurled at Meghan Markle has been particularly vile, and similar to the contempt that racist whites had for Obama daring to enter the White House (some of

Unscathed? I would hope no one in this thread has pinned another human being against a wall and jammed their fingers inside them against their will. If we can’t even to pretend to care about that as like a baseline of conduct, let’s just dispense with the whole claim of giving a shit about women, k?

Good thing the collective vendetta against Sanders for daring to run against the Anointed One, Hillary be Her Name, was used to dump this doddering idiot with a sexual assault history on us. I’m sure he can handily defeat the most ruthlessly effective rightwing demagogue in living memory by hiding in his basement and