
Love the logic. Reade is a Bernie supporter (and Bernie sinned unforgivably by daring to run against her Eminence the Anointed One of White Feminism, Hilary) so Reade’s assault just doesn’t matter. Got it. #BelieveWomen, except if you don’t like them, amirite?

Can you run for President? <3 <3 <3

Hear, hear. Plus, most kids available for adoption are like, old, or gross anywayz. It’s not like you can just walk in and snag one that looks like Shiloh Jolie-Pitt at 16 months. They are *always* out of those. 

Ding ding ding ding ding!!! We have a winner!

Doctors will soon be facing unthinkable choices. Instead of aborting two viable children, they will only be able to abort one. There will be a heartbreaking surge in utterly preventable lives.

Considering that Trumpers have branded the pandemic the “Wuhan virus,” and are boasting about how it completely vindicates their calls to racially purge the county and build a fucking wall around it, my guess would be, No, it probably won’t cure White Supremacy.

Yes bc child sex abuse is just SO LULZ guys, amirite?! Umm, wTF? Go Feminism???

White woman, so infallible. 

It is downright terrifying. Doctors will soon have to make unimaginable choices, like choosing which of two viable pregnancies to abort, when it longer becomes possible to abort both. There will be a huge spike in utterly preventable lives.

So one mediocre man finally tastes a small sliver of the professional barriers and impediments women have endured for decades, and it’s some overwhelming injustice because he won’t get his Michelin star or celebrity chef golden ticket? Cry me a river. And maybe do ONE article on how this health crisis

I’m with you. We are a nation obsessed with sports, the gladiatorial combat of our day, and truly nothing impresses like a really solid throwing arm. Amy’s unique talents in hurling projectiles at staff was certain to resonate bigly with the ESPN demographic. I, for one, will lament the departure from this race of the

Umm, Jez basically advertised for Juul for a period thru those rabid pro-vaping articles...

Fucking Bernie Bros. How dare they make working on Warren’s campaign team an unlivably racist, sexist nightmare. Assholes.

Yes, the contestant scrutiny is the worst. I miss the days when people were loving and kind to contestants.

Um no, not racist. Bc you totally CAN get it from tofu, chopsticks, or tai chi. So avoid that one Asian grocery store in Oklahoma like the proverbial plague it is sister.

All the Stars. 

Racist MAGAt trash is racist, trashy. Shocked.

Cutting edge human rights issues. 

Artisanal egg-freezing is totes legit. Only prob is that the effects are completely neutralized by yoni streaming.

I understand that completely. But having worked in the child welfare & foster systems, I can tell you there are huge numbers of children of all backgrounds in need of safe, loving homes. Same culture placement is always the preferred option. But you don’t have the luxury of waiting for the ‘perfect fit’ - many kids