
People seriously need to back the fuck off from judging her on her choices as a mother. Conversely, some judgment would be a welcome response to her hipster-racist bullshit like “Walk of Shame” (omg walking thru *scary hoods* w/ actual Black ppl, u guys) and “Pitch Perfect 2" (cuz, like, human trafficking of

one of the better articles in a long while. throwing binders at underlings is not feminism. and we should never excuse it as such. it’s abuse, pure and simple. 

Nazis and pedophiles. Such proud stock. 

Biden authored and passed the first comprehensive legislation on violence against women, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) which includes massive investments in things like rape crisis centers & battered women's shelters, as well as training for police, prosecution, and judges so they don't re-victimize survivors.

he's promoted all those things far more than any President in our lifetimes. but Hate Away. because, ya know, Black + Male = Gulity, right??? 

just to be clear, there is literally nothing a black man could ever do that would be good enough for the White Feminists™ at Jez. and there is nothing that will ever motivate them to confront their own privilege or racism. 

omg, like, THANKS OBAMA!!! amirite? also, shouldn’t this this be crossposted at Breitbart / Stormfront?

Why attack a powerful successful woman? She is leaning in, and taking charge, right??

Anyone notice most of the folks pictured ARE. NOT. EVEN. BLACK PPL!? 🤔

Whoa. Cross posting of this article over at JezebecKKKy did not last long. Now why ever could that be? Too busy calling the police on black folk for barbecuing, dorm-napping, Air BnB-ing, water selling, and basically existing whilst Black, to be bothered by a call for critical self-reflection.

Genius. BeckyCon2019, aka, where white women can never be wrong or held accountable. For anything.

Best story I've read all year. 

White privilege. It's  thing. 

Utterly heartbreaking and infuriating. Women of color continue to be murdered with impunity and treated as utterly disposable. And white people have the gall to say “All Lives Matter,” as if our lives ever did.

blasphemer. Stuart Little is virtually scripture in our household. Little ones watch it religiously.

Umm, don't you have a sonnet to write on the virtues of vaping, and how Juul was invented to redeem humanity and let us all enter the kingdom of heaven? 

hey, take it easy. She has a full time job writing advertising copy for Juul. Kinda hard to follow all this politics stuff too. 

Amerikkka wouldn’t want her to do any actual jail time, though. You know. Jail can be so discomfiting for white rapists or murderers. Some find it positively inconvenient, with so few organic, gluten free options and nary a soy latte in sight. Think of Brock Turner, and all the other white rapists recently deemed too

Jez is in the process of rebranding, as “hipster Altria™”.

So can we rename Jezebel "(hipster) Altria" yet? I mean, they're practically doing it themselves.