
Pain schmain. Anything for beauty! 'Cause feminism, amirite?? 

Pain schmain. Anything for beauty! 'Cause feminism, amirite?? 

OMG I know. Hating & ridiculing ppl because of their looks is so much fun. Bc like feminism, amirite??

Hard-hitting feminist news. Unflinching. 

Nothing is off putting about her. She is amazing, inspirational, principled. She might actually be able to redeem us and our politics from our current waking nightmare.

Ahhh, White Women. When they’re not tryna kill us, they’re.... Wait. Remind me of when they’re not trying to kill us again???

Pro-choice here, but we need better arguments. “If you oppose abortion; newsflash: don’t get one” doesn’t really cut it, if you’re talking to people who base their opposition to abortion on a human rights perspective.

White folk gonna white... 

Nope. I’m sensing a Trump WH / Fox News gig where she can be paid handsomely to complain about the oppression of white people, black-on-black crime, and evil librul Universities.

all true. somehow i don’t think the OP will care. Fairstein will very likely shill for Trump, or even work for him, given their shared obsession with lynching these innocent men.

Jesus Christ. Can we stop all the apologia for institutional racsim, please?

Anti-vaxers are like this unholy alliance of the anti-science, anti-gubmint, libertarian know nothing Right & the jade eggs-for-your-yoni, new age Left.... Kill it with fire.

Cannot star this enough. 

This. She is White Feminism par excellence. 

White feminism personified. 

Radical thought: maybe leave legal scholarship to people who actually studied law? Naomi has solid academicc credentials, but they don’t include any legal training whatsoever. This fairly glaring oversight also owes a lot to her (and her supporters) penchant for ideologically convenient / comfortable conclusions,

Good question. How do we make cis white women care about brown kids dying in cages??? 

Yeah he was such a total loser when he was just a “weird looking kid,” likes totes worthless. But NOW?? Omg. Totez snackable amirite? SO freakin hot.

to be fair, Beto does have a penis. So, Satan. 

that guy we all hated in college? you mean the one with the penis? 

White supremacists are “infiltrating” the police? This is a joke, right? More like policing is, and always has been, a foundation of white supremacy, from the fugitive slave patrols to the night-riding lynch mobs, to the shoot-on-sight trigger happy executioners of today. It’s an unbroken line. Today’s police continue