
I eat modified keto meals...You MONSTER. Cant you see the consensus here? Its not with you.

Is it possible he feels better this way, and that his choices and autonomy *about his body* and what happens to it should be respected? Nah...

Not so tough, though. One can always judge with a very firm sense of complete superiority. See, e.g., Jezebel.

Lesson 1. Never, ever criticize the racsim of white women. Especially as it relates to the brutal occupation of Palestine.

Wait just a hot second there! It *sounds* like you’re saying white women can sometimes be oppressors, depending on how they exert their white privilege and ply the advantages of living in a country founded on a Constitution defining black folk as only 3/5 of a full human being....

Its cool. The vast majority of white women will continue to vote en masse for Trumps ethnic cleansing and weaponised racism, as they did in the midterms, as they did in the 2016 Presidential elections, as they most certainly will contiue to do in 2020 to usher in Trumps dream of the U.S. as a white ethnoState.

OMG you guys, white women are like *SO* oppressed. Totes inconceivable they could ever be in a position of privilege, amirite?

You guys, that is SO unfair! She was, like,  doing such a bang up job of kidnapping brown children seeking asylum, throwing them in cages & deporting their parents...

Yes, because that’s EXACTLY the same as a remark about lynching, right? Fuck right off with your false equivalence whataboutist BS.

Wait, but this dispute involves a man and woman.... So, clearly, the man is in the wrong here!!! I seem to recall countless references on Jez to “ALL men suck”, “f*ck men, yes ALL men”, etc.

Yes, I'm sure bipartisanship with Mussolini is exactly what's needed. 

because sexy times must be for God sanctioned baby making ONLY. any sexy business not confined to matrimonial procreation of Aryan Christian babies is bad, bad, dirty, and wrong. And probably soon to be illegal.

Aaaaaand the majority of white women just voted GOP, again. Endorsing and perpetuating the Trumpist orgy of sadism and white supremacy.  

What’s that? You dare disagree with Ms. Clinton?  Women-hating Bernie bros. They are EVERYWHERRRRR.

Bullying is cool now? Because... feminism???

All true. But you forgot White Jezzies, who can be counted on to throw POC under the bus every. damn. time.

“ALLEGED SEXUAL BATTERY.” Is that Jezebel speak for child-fucking, when perpetrated by a White Woman celeb?

Yup, laws are essentially optional for middle-class white women. Just don’t mention it on Jez, or you'll never hear the end of how oppressed Taylor, Muffy, and Brooklynne are.

Article suspiciously *not* cross posted over at Jezebel. Now why in the world would that be???

Cornell West famously explained that racism is structural power to subordinate, control, terrify, and disenfranchise. It isn’t the same thing as “being prejudiced” or holding discriminatory or ignorant views. It’s a function of power.