
Aww, that’s so cute!!! Did she bring any footage with her of the IDF slaughtering 500 Gazan children in Operation Cast Lead? Bombing Palestinian children playing on the beach? Bombing schools and hospitals? No? I’m sure that would have been very diverting. So great that Gal cares about (some) children.

Um, so there are things known as immigrants who are black folk. See Haiti. Not mutually exclusive. And if you think that our protesting the throwing of brown babies in cages is “someone else’s battle,” I don’t even know what to say to you.


Ah, white women. When they’re not busy calling the police to exterminate us, they’re such a delight.

Horrific, yes. But not a single word / blurb on Jez about the freaking SCOTUS decision upholding the Muslim ban???? For real? Honest question: if you could have reproductive rights on lock tomorrow, but you had to hand over all Muslim, black, brown, & undocumented folk for mass deportation/ethnic cleansing/ICE caging..

Waiting for Trump pardon, praise, appointment in..... 5, 4, 3, 2....

Sec Nielsen is a true Feminist Hero. Just like Sec Gina Haspel, first woman appointed as CIA Director. Ever. These strong women are NOT taking No for an Answer. Go 4 it Sisters!!!

A few things:

But you gotta love DHS Secretary Nielsen. She is NOT backing down. Talk about a STRONG woman in a position of power!!! You guys. We have to be united in sisterhood WITH her, not tearing her down. It’s like part of the rules of Feminism.

Another powerful woman taking charge. NO glass ceiling for her! GO FEMINISM!!!

welcome to interwebs. where literally NEone can do teh journalisms gud enuf 2 b a riter.

Newsflash. Calling a black woman an “ape” is a racist slur, not a joke. Secondly, from the woman who called the police because she was horrified to see people barbecuing while black... to the woman at Yale who called the cops on her fellow grad student for taking a nap in the common room... to the woman who called the

I think I love you.

Emmett Till, the Scottsboro 9, George Stinney... and how many others lynched by white mobs (and juries) for any imagined slight against the sanctity of “white womanhood” — historically, the central pretext and raison d’être for lethal violence against black bodies. A very long, bloody, & tragically familiar pattern.

“particularly problematic.” Is that hipster for RACIST AF?

Wait. You mean the psychotically racist white lady who calls the cops every time she sees a black body at Yale markets herself as a “radical feminist?” In a time when every / any police encounter can prove fatal in seconds for black folk?

^^^^ This.

Never go full Becky.

Yes. “Kill all men.” Especially queer, immigrant, black, and brown men. Because we all know they can only be oppressors and never among the oppressed. Right?