But Jesus and Santa are white!!! Also, black people never experience injustice, racial profiling, excessive force, or disproprtionate sentencing EVAR and, like, BLM was just invented to hurt my feelings... I know bcuz Megyn says so.
But Jesus and Santa are white!!! Also, black people never experience injustice, racial profiling, excessive force, or disproprtionate sentencing EVAR and, like, BLM was just invented to hurt my feelings... I know bcuz Megyn says so.
Recreational cruelty and bigotry are the defining brand of this Administration. But, you know, Roseanne approves, so I guess that makes it all totes ok.
I really hope it is hitting home that white women voted for Trump in droves— not “despite his racist politics” — but because of them. i.e., white bros don’t hold a monopoly on racism, and the violent appeals to a monolithic white nation-State where immigrants are thrown out and a wall is literally built around the…