Oh, she makes the Kardashians look conservative with their face and body modifications. Nose job, complete reimagining of the jawline (bless her black heart, she had the same jaw as tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber), boobs, eye lift, body contouring, and fillers galore!
I feel she came back from her summer break with an updated face. Her nose looks really fragile these days.
Is Ivanka supposed to be smiling warmly? Is that something the surgeries will allow for?
A commune implies anybody wants to be around these grifter twunts. I bet they fill those other “cottages” with creepy mannequins and play pretend tea party while warping their kids.
Wow, I never realized how much work Ivanka has had done before I saw that header pic. There are some nightmarish contours going on there. Also, I hope they burn in hell.
I support this plan. These rich enclaves just give us a crystal-clear direction to send the pitchforks. Also, is it me or is Jared failing at even the basic human act of carrying a child? He must have gone to the Arizona State of Human Impersonation schools on Neptune.
New scam: “Trump Feminist Self-Help Empowerment Seminar Camp School! Now With More Architecture For Better Architecting!”
Exactly this. I’ve been intoxicated before, plenty of times. I’ve never once slung racist words at anyone during any of those episodes. Funny how that works......
Vino veritas.
My pastor has always said that drunk people and old people show their true colors. If they are horrible inside when they are young or sober, the true self always will overcome.
Watching the video was hard for me; it was if I didn’t recognize the person.
“He didn’t deserve that. Nobody does. I had too much to drink and lost control of my tongue and I said horrible things that I truly regret.
Yes. It must be so frustrating for them to have spent all of this time whipping up a frenzied base only to see a large portion of them leave because Fox wasn’t crazy enough for their liking. But on the other hand, fuck them.
Oh I don’t and will never think Fox has found Jesus. I just said that watching their base (Trump’s base) lose their minds and flock to even larger extreme sources of ‘news’ is funny because they seem to have forgotten how fickle their base is.
This has been *chef’s kiss* after two decades of them running as GOP state television. My only concern now is how we deal with the post OAN- world. Them crazies will make you wish for the bad old days of O’Reilly and Beck.
Watching Fox try to pivot while their base heads for the even more extreme Newsmax and OAN is so damned good. Without their base, they are fucked.
proof matters now, fuck face? fuck face on fox news?