
At least twice up above, ‘waist’ is spelled as ‘waste’. “I wanted to make her waste bigger.”

It’s funny that that the position that Black people don’t deserve to be indiscriminately killed is “anti-police”

Waiting for Coondance Owens to explain how this was NotRacist, and also BLM’s fault.

He raped over a dozen women. So get out of here with cancel culture bs.

All she had to do was recant. Sigh. Can't fuck with her still.

Seriously? Why do we have to explain that just because someone created good art and didn’t hurt you doesn’t mean they didn’t hurt all those other people?

She can go straight to hell, if she wants to make excuses for Cosby’s criminal behavior then to hell with her. Really to hell with anyone that’s still making excuses for people like Cosby or Woody Allen

Can you really blame people for not wanting to spend time watching a serial rapist?

Legacy? What the hell?

Agreed. This is all just posturing for the base ahead of the election.

So here we are again a few weeks out from election day, being treated to daily pieces about how his campaign is imploding, and he’s basically already lost. It’s not that I don’t believe that’s probably true. But shit, I have a horrible sense of deja vu. Am I alone in that? I am way too fucking terrified to be

I’m shocked that the party that bitches about paid protesters from liberals needs paid attendees at a White House event.

To the troll, try staying on topic you ignorant fuck.

I shouldn’t have been, but I was surprised by how many older (mostly white) women I heard saying blatantly sexist, petty bullshit about Hillary during 2016.

Excellent clapback.

Kamala beat Lord of the Fly tonight like she was his mother, weird cringe Bush cabinet reference aside. Any early polling yet? I don't see good news for Trump coming from anything tonight. 

My aunt made some comment about disliking how smug Kamala Harris looks while talking.

I watched one season early on. It’s like, I don’t know a minimally higher class Jerry Springer episode. I don’t get it either, so predictable, so fake.

The bachelor franchise is garbage, it always has been, it always will be. I may have thought that kind of pursuit by a man was flattering, say 30 years ago. I tell my younger female friends. Oh honey, it’s not about how much he professes to “love” you, it’s about the fact he can’t stand being told no. Run, run away,

We need SCOTUS to restore the clear and unequivocal right to burn witches at the stake. Anything less is just, like, open hatred for Christianity, amirite???