Because your murderous wasteland rampage needs a little extra something, don’t you think?
Because your murderous wasteland rampage needs a little extra something, don’t you think?
You got scooped.
the 6th chest contains blue engrams
I just want to point something out: though I’m hesitant to tell people what they should or shouldn’t criticize, I think it’s... misguided to complain or worry about Fallout 4’s graphics right now. What’s more important is that this trailer looks real, which is more than we could say for all the bullshots and CGI…
There’s a difference between “sensationalist media” taking things too far and presenting something as it is being presented by the creators. It was angled as some horrible thing. Coverage on the game dropped off as folks began to catch on.
The real Last 5 minutes of that game, spoilers and is also hilariously dumb
Sony did this with PS3s to an extent. Once your console is banned online it’s banned forever. If you use your account and email on a new PS3 that PS3 will be banned too.... Sony is significantly worse as they make the consoles and future consoles with that account unusable
Can Sony do this too with PlayStations?
yea theyre called updates... waka waka waka
joking aside, idk. never had my ps4 brick.
“I signed a contract to play a video game with my own system, why is this company taking action when I break my contract?” Hard to feel too bad.
Just to be clear, this isn’t permanent — it’s for an as-of-yet-undetermined amount of time. I also tweaked the headline to make it as clear as possible.
Before folks start screaming at Microsoft, NDA’s are serious business and should always be read before agreeing to them. That said, folks are crazy if they think only Microsoft has this power, Sony more then likely has this too.
Ehh, no sympathy from me here, those dudes were asking for it when they started leaking stuff.
Your Xbox One has been disabled due to suspected violation of the terms of our non-disclosure agreement. We have also broken your microwave, somehow. You and your whole family will now enter the Party Compliance Submission Position, and our armed Compliance Administrators will be along shortly.
You decide to open your task manager, aka the magic computer gun you unlock when you enter the cheat code “ctrl+alt+del.”
Edge of Tomorrow was good! But yeah, it was unlike that because there were big ostentatious changes to the world’s status quo and overwrought dilemmas about Should We Kill Our Friend, Ultron-Hitler’s Dad?
Wolverine and Invisible Woman eventually have to re-do it a bunch of times because they keep fucking things up, and it’s not that unlike the realllllllly shitty Guy Pearce The Time Machinemovie, which sucked