
the 6th chest contains blue engrams

Please don’t fire your gun into the sky trying to shoot down a drone.

The US military is also the responsible owner of many nuclear missiles. I studied nuclear engineering in college, do I need a good reason to make a nuclear weapon? Your line of reasoning is ridiculous.

No they don’t. Anytime you mention gun safety, gun owners/enthusiasts will always point to how much effort manufacturers go to (drop testing, etc) to make sure that guns don’t just go off; and they are right, they don’t. What they always go to is some bullshit line about how the owner had “no way of knowing” that

Especially when you’re shooting at the drones, it just makes it more of a challenge if the drone is shooting back.

He’s got fantastic medical insurance.

Just how many times has Timmy’s lower jaw been shot off? He sounds like a really unlucky kid.

Glad to see you at least composed yourself before replying this time.

tip: I own guns

Responsible gun owners would never stand for a gun accessory that took a gun out of the hands of a responsible operator who can take total responsibility for the actions of the bullets that leave their barrels.

I wonder if the colours are not simply an aesthetic choice... I get the impression that this corner of the world is not quite as radioactive as the Capital wasteland.

I just want to point something out: though I’m hesitant to tell people what they should or shouldn’t criticize, I think it’s... misguided to complain or worry about Fallout 4’s graphics right now. What’s more important is that this trailer looks real, which is more than we could say for all the bullshots and CGI


There’s a difference between “sensationalist media” taking things too far and presenting something as it is being presented by the creators. It was angled as some horrible thing. Coverage on the game dropped off as folks began to catch on.

Now playing

The real Last 5 minutes of that game, spoilers and is also hilariously dumb


“I signed a contract to play a video game with my own system, why is this company taking action when I break my contract?” Hard to feel too bad.

Just to be clear, this isn’t permanent — it’s for an as-of-yet-undetermined amount of time. I also tweaked the headline to make it as clear as possible.