
Never ever thought I’d ever see this headline.

:( I’m so sorry. She sounds like an amazing woman.

I would also watch this movie. Sweetest story ever.

Totally thought they were attacking Cromwell with two cattle prods until I noticed it was a giant clippers.

He looks loads better than he did a year ago when I caught his Pizza band thing. Good for him.

Poor Michelle Dockery :( got more than a little weepy, following that Vanity Fair link...

Ah, yes.

But if you take it all, what do you have?

Oh I am TOTALLY watching. Dolly is my Queen, and I love that song. My mom sang it at my grandma’s funeral with my dad playing acoustic guitar (she grew up in similar circumstances near the mountains in NC). I, for the record, fucking hated my grandma and still do, but I bawled like a baby.

A little birdie told me he’s terrible. Or it could’ve been Snake who is awful. I can’t remember.

With the exception of “Helpless”, I think all of her songs made me want to ugly cry. She is a marvel, and the reason that I had a giant knot in my throat for the entire second half of disc two (I live no where near Broadway, I have the soundtrack).

Very common, I think. My grandmother somehow got a small circle of people, including my mom and my aunt, to hush up my her husband (their stepfather)‘s pedophilic tendencies, and the subsequent rape of my mom and aunt that arose from those tendencies. All my grandma gave them was a lock on their bedroom door. Years

So good.

Which article was it where she talked about how kind it was of him bot to let her leave the house until he approved her outfit.

I read this ages ago when I was 19. I didn’t think it was a big deal then. Hooo boy is rereading this a testament to how much I’ve grown. Yiiiiikes.

Haha, thanks! I really wanted a sentence that embodied the dream of the 90s.


The method is to have fingers barely brushing the top of the planchette. It is a lot to swallow, I grant you, and you are allowed to believe or disbelieve as you like. I’ve heard of, but never seen, the planchette (sp?) moving on it’s own though. Those may be tales out of school, though, as I literally heard them from

Same. I consider myself pretty level headed, but when people tell me that they are just phooey, I always think about my friend.

Ugh! :(