
Laura Ingraham compared her to Stephen King’s Children of the Corn

Amber Benson went on to play Tara, Willow’s girlfriend on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I’m glad her career wasn’t ruined by this mess. DiCaprio is an overgrown frat boy who is determined to remain emotionally immature and stunted. I can imagine him lying about improvising a scene just so he could bully a woman with

Your post reveals more about your character than you probably realize.

Obviously, the NYPD can’t focus its attention on minor crimes like repeated sexual assault and attempted rape by its own when there are purveyors of loose cigarettes prowling the streets un-strangled.

When Christopher Titus appeared on Marc Maron’s podcast, he mentioned Faye Dunaway was supposed to originally play his mentally ill mother on his FOX sitcom. She showed up with a dog-eared copy of the script marked with things she wasn’t going to do, and one-by-one crew members from all departments (costumes, lights,

Just a friendly reminder, if by some miracle they get the question in there, you don’t have to answer it, your census will still be counted. 

I hope he was beaten quite often, not for being white but for being a future terrible news person. 

-I have been framed by Vic Morrow’s kids

Imagine how many people could have been saved if Hulk wasn’t waiting for Loki to say, “We have a Hulk.”

Have you ever had a medication abortion? They all told me at Planned Parenthood, “Oh, it’s just like getting your period, don’t worry.” In truth, the experience was NOT AT ALL like a period for me, it was so much more painful and traumatic than anyone had told me it would be, and I was not prepared. I also passed out

I conkurrr.

Smh Mcain-iest actually explains it all!

They likely wouldn’t want to pony up the $$ for Miranda. But jeebus - at the very least, send the script to a translation service for a couple thousand! It’s not that hard!

Well lord knows that there are no prominent Latino playwrights or composers.

But wasn’t the whole point that Bundy was more than “vaguely likable?” that is how he was able to victimize so many woman, by getting them to trust him. 

He also must have died right???? You guys are both dead now??


I am old and grey and full of sleep and do not sext.