Tiny Gallon's Teaspoon

Or what, Neil Tyson will tweet at me?

The person in front of me is not going to recline, whether they want to or not, because there is physically no space for them to do so. But I don’t care for these devices. Why? Because to use them, you have to be able to lower the tray table. If you can do that, then you have at least some room you can sacrifice.  I

I didn’t read the article, but I assume you’re blaming Tom Brady and the Patriots, based solely on the header picture. I would like to offer my wholehearted agreement. Fuck Tom Brady and the Patriots for ruining officiating, and just in general, really.

If you’re making in 6 months what he makes in a game, congrats on being very rich!

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Real talk - this was simple and elegant. Thank you. 

Ok, we’re all chill with the kid being roasted but this might be over the line.

That kid's name? Lance Armstrong.

“They forget you've gotta win," said the Cleveland Browns quarterback.

Where do you go to eat your gays?

Thanks for stopping by and letting us all know that you don’t like fried chicken.

No, that’s a bitch move.  

Does it look to anyone else like Ezekiel Elliot was falling forward in that gif? Was he supposed to catch his balance and stand upright? I could be wrong; I have no idea what his intent was, or even what the play looked like in real time. But to use that as one of the definitive exhibits of what not to do seems bogus.

I played rugby for 10+ years.

You ever try wrapping a 250 pound guy encased in body armor who runs a 4.4 second 40?

How is that even remotely gross? Have they had a California roll?

Yeah but did you see how fucking high he jumped?!?

That’s a high level of sarcasm for somebody who’s so sincerely wrong. There is no degree of truth to “Nobody innocent hangs themself.” Zero. It is not “overly broad” or “somewhat inaccurate,” it is untrue. A generous reader can infer what she means, but that statement is simply wrong and that needs to be pointed out.

Remember the mailbag from a couple weeks ago when someone asked you this?