
Keep this quiet, but I’m thinking of patenting an idea of replacing the on/off switch under the throttle pedal with some sort of analogue/digital control system which allows the driver to modulate the amount of power delivered by the drivetrain in a proportional manner... I know, wild, right?

Yup. Been saying this for years now. Your average shitty driver (I’d even argue any driver) needs supercar acceleration on public roads.

There is nothing out there. All there is is sea and birds and fish ... and 20 thousand tons of crude oil ... and a fire.

Head injury? 

“Iknoo i F#^ked that money upp yall iknoo”

My suggestion for how to fix it?

100%. Who that’s trading out of their Accord needs 600hp and sub-3 speed??

It’s almost as though cars should not have so much unnecessary acceleration...

I have made similar observations before, though - most drivers are completely unequipped for the acceleration even a less-powerful EV brings. I see a LOT of wrecks in the near future.

Don’t worry, it is now out of the environment.

Perhaps a wave hit it. 

Entertainers (but does this dude actually qualify?) not grasping how brutal the acceleration of an overpowered EV truck can be and voila! come to a wrecked halt:

[...]posing with and showing the truck off by driving fast on LA streets

The weight limit limit you’re referencing is the dynamic weight limit. It assumes you’re driving with that much weight up there. It can hold much more sitting in one spot. And most companies don’t rate that specifically.

Ok, I’ll bite:

Wild thought: maybe people have different uses or camp in areas with a different terrain from you?

They’re great for (actual) off-roady stuff, where finding a flat or dry spot to lay out a tent may not be readily feasible. Doubly so for extended trips, where you may need to simply make camp on the spot. Still leaves the interior space free for gear and can often get you just enough height for some nice views over

I have a similar tent, so I can answer some of these questions.

What do I want to know? What’s the fascination with Jalops when it comes to putting tents on the roof of the car. I tent camp once a month, on the ground. You can still have all the features of rooftop camping, just without the need of a...checks notes...ladder to enter or exit the tent. Need to hit the head in the

How hard is it to remove/ put on the vehicle? What is the gas mileage hit? Is it more comfortable and easier to set up than just throwing a tent on the ground? I see a lot of people driving (commuting) around the city with these things. Is it worth the hassle for the 3 nights a year I assume the majority of people slee