
Yes, and then the actual cops come and take it away, not hired detectives (more realistically mercenaries). Even if he’d personally stolen an entire warehouse full of the cards, Pinkerton agents had no legal standing to seize them. Instead they threatened and terrorized them (particularly his wife) to get him to hand

I have zero sympathy for Cook, but from what we know so far it’s unlikely Colie had justification for shooting him. You shouldn’t shoot someone, or even point your gun at them, unless your (or another’s) life is threatened. Since it doesn’t seem like Cook had a weapon, I doubt that happened here. Note that the police

  • “Taking people’s groceries”

John Robinson, a lawyer for the plaintiffs, made this fetal supremacy
explicit by arguing that “the legislature does not consider the woman an equal member of the human race and Wyoming.”

And you can have situations like with my minivan where it displays a warning for the gas cap being off + a check engine light because there’s a small air leak somewhere in the fuel system. I’ve had it looked at, but they can’t find the leak and it’s not impacting performance any. It probably wouldn’t pass inspection,

The likely cause is when people misspell rogue aw rouge they don’t notice the difference because rouge isn’t used as much. To them it looks like a valid spelling and auto-correct doesn’t flag it because rouge is correctly spelled.  Most auto-corrects don’t look for grammar mistakes, only misspelled words.

A coach-building channel I follow had this happen and provided info on what Google did after they got their account back. Basically Google copied the entire account into a new one, then deleted the hacked one. Somehow all the links for the channel and videos stay the same in this process. The biggest problem was

Getting 2FA other than the device-based one set up requires a security key device, like a FIDO-based one. Once you’ve added the key, it’ll unlock the rest of the 2FA options like an authenticator app. At that point you can remove the key, but if it’s your own key, you might as well leave it on there.

Even if they do, the kind of people who take out loans from TitleMax aren’t financially sophisticated and most won’t understand the truth in lending page. These people have probably never had a credit card and may not have had a bank loan of any kind. Not even automotive, their car may be a beater they scraped enough

Companies in the US have always had a tendency to assume US consumers are drooling morons that can’t handle anything beyond basic information presented in a boring fashion. While some have improved, it took decades.

At this point it’s clear they’re either deliberately trolling or are an incredibly hateful person that wants to harm others, and is attempting to do so. I’ve flagged every comment they’ve made in the threat with attacks as hate speech, I highly recommend others do the same.No one in this thread seems likely to be

Are you trying to make yourself look like an uninformed idiot? From the first two paragraphs on the Wikipedia entry for Fox News:

Even though it eventually killed him, he was incredibly lucky he survived at all. There’s not a lot they can do for aortic dissections, and they kill quickly. He knew he was lucky, and I’m sure he cherished every day of the four years he lived afterward.

They’d just wake up the lawyers to file cease & desists in that case. They probably have macros for that type of thing given how many Nintendo files at their fanbase.

Back when I was a kid (probably junior high), I accidentally dropped a 2-liter bottle of Coca-Cola while unscrewing the lid. It blasted the lid off, and Coke fountained out like I’d dropped some Menthos in it. The wall dividing the kitchen & living room is only a half wall, and Coke got on the ceiling on the far side

I remember a limited-time strawberry Pepsi, although I can’t find anything online that matches up. (The Pepsi Strawberry Burst is the right time-frame, but I got this in east Tennessee, not Tulsa, Oklahoma.) It was really good, albeit more of a dessert drink than something you’d want to drink regularly. I’d love to

Well the developer’s statement on Twitter in response to the article sure shows they were offended by it. By your logic, I guess the developers are a bunch of wusses, and by extension so are all their supporters upset about the article. That would include you.

You can’t be so naive as to not see you’re accusing others of doing exactly what you’ve been doing yourself.

A lot of people batted an eye, the backlash was pretty extensive, forcing Facebook to revamp their plans for Libra and that was before NFTs came along and really pissed people off about crypto. That article’s from April 2020, in December 2020 they renamed it to Diem and a year later it still hasn’t been launched.

Ahh, figured an NFTbro would show up. Your quite lengthy comment actually provided no proof of any of your assertions and can be summed up with “Everything everyone else said is wrong and inaccurate, but go do research to find out how on your own time, because I’m not going provide anything beyond hand-wavium.”