
That bit about explaining the app is oh so true. It’s not enough that every restaurant in existence expects you to install their app now to get deals, they also can’t be bothered to train their employees in how to use it. So you have to clutter your phone up with the app, and memorize how it’s processed on the

They have that covered, the article mentions how it works:

For future reference, although you hopefully won’t need it: go find a manager, and do it sooner. At the 10 - 15 minute mark after she walked away mid-order would have been the latest I’d have done this. Go talk to another employee, tell them you need to talk to a manager and ask if they can get one for you. There’s no

My favorite videogame score is Xenosaga Episode I, also by Mitsuda. The prologue starts out slow, but speeds up dramatically when all hell breaks loose. Then it ends up moving into a choral sequence. Every bit of it fits the opening movie perfectly, and sets the tone for the whole game. I’ve listened to the OST

A lot of talented people are like that. I’m of the firm belief that every genius in any field needs someone non-genius to tell them “no” on a regular basis as well as the authority to make that “no” stick. Geniuses tend to end up in an echo chamber of their own making, and are unable to see when ideas they have aren’t

The U.S. Marshall’s investigation ended because theirs was only into Epstein and not into any co-conspirators. The other investigations were looking into co-conspirators, and those investigations have not ended. In fact Epstein’s death will speed those up. If he was still alive, there would have been fights in court

At some point the game companies are going to insist that continuing to produce hard copies of games is too expensive for them, justifying it by pointing to low sales. At that point the people in rural areas are going to end up totally screwed when it comes to games. Much like they’ve been screwed with Internet access

Unless that’s a wig, and it doesn’t look like one to me*, he may be transgender. Why he’d want to make other minorities feel threatened is beyond me, but that’s what it looks like at the moment. My guess is he’s simply a racist, and racists pretty much never† have any logic to why they are.

That sounds a lot like a genetic disorder that makes it difficult to impossible to absorb certain vitamins. (There’s several, with different things they impact the body’s absorption of.) I hope she’s been checked for that, just in case. If that’s what’s going on, there are treatments for at least most of those

That’s something that could happen theoretically, but if it does it’s rare enough that most people will never encounter it in their lifetimes. It’s pretty clear here the guy was being an asshole and didn’t want to deal with a deaf person.

Similarly, I watched my mother’s health decay due to stress from her job after she developed ulcerative colitis. This likely hastened the disease worsening so that she ultimately had to have an iliostomy. (Removal of the entire colon + the rectum in her case.) And then they continued to be non-understanding and make

Until this incident there wasn’t any reason to be suspicious of someone returning a tube of toothpaste. If someone came in with one, said they screwed up and bought an extra tube by mistake¹, no one would have thought anything of it. It happens all the time, with all kinds of products, and is one of the top reasons

I grabbed a couple of these recently myself, after discovering they make narrow neck bottles. (I dislike wide-neck bottles and actively hate the flip-top ones that are basically adult sippy-cups.) You can actually get a bottle brush down inside them if you need to wash them by hand! I haven’t had them long, but so far

The taste issue is a real problem, it’s one reason I have avoided all insulated reusable water bottles. All the ones that actually work well are metal inside and it makes the water taste like metal. If you’ve ever gone camping or hiking and used a metal canteen you’ll notice it right away. It’s not a pleasant taste.

I know companies need to make money, and they want to push their fans to buy more and more stuff to push their profits higher, but they’ve got to realize that they don’t exist in a vacuum. Collectively they’re going to over-saturate the collector’s market and suddenly no one’s products will sell enough to meet

Make that everything about themselves. If they were truly skilled at their videogame(s) of choice, this kind of thing wouldn’t threaten them in any way. It’s quite clear they feel personally threatened by the existence of “dad builds.”

I’m not going to reply to that guy directly, because they come across as a real asshole, but what I’m hearing from them is:

They should get a full refund from the crowdfunding platform in that case, because what they paid to pledge for has been changed since they pledged. (This is probably against the policies of all the crowd-funding sites and they likely require the campaign to issue refunds.) If the dev refuses to do that, then they

Many Americans could use the “your president” phrasing, because Trump has made clear repeatedly that he only cares about and governs for his base. The rest of us could drop dead and he wouldn’t care. He’d have to be forced by someone else to issue a statement saying how sad it is that more than half* the country died