
It’s not worth a special trip, but if you happen to be near one it’s worth giving a try.

The biggest knitting forum has had their own issues with controversy, recently even. Wherever you have people, especially people passionate about a hobby, you’re going to see differences of opinion and tempers flaring occasionally. Because humans are like that in general.

I’m not remotely interested in this game, the only way I’d ever end up owning it is if it shows up in a bundle that I’m buying for other reasons. I’m not fond of Epic’s game store, because of the way they’re handling things, but I’m also not ranting against it. I even made an account and grab the free games each week,

I was at one today, they had signs at the registers saying that the digital ID would be mandatory in the future. I guess they plan to retrofit the pumps in coming months.

Crafting each level of a badge earns you a random item associated with the game: either an emote or a background. Regular game badges have 5 levels you can craft, foil badges only have one. Sale badges usually have no limit.

Probably not as boring as the towns named Ducktown and Turtletown, both real towns in Tennessee. They didnt even get around to building anything before naming those, apparently.

I’m not part of those complaining (I think the cat’s just fine, although she should probably avoid doing that in the future because it looks bad to others) but I couldn’t take a cat in even if the alternative was it being euthanized. My allergies to cats are too strong, doing so could kill me, so I’d have to

It would certainly be in his case, apparently hes so seriously injured from burns that the police aren’t questioning him yet. Japan’s prisons are notoriously brutal, and being in one with severe burn scarring would make it even worse. He’ll almost certainly be executed (he murdered 33 people and all the ones injured

Hell, even if someone hated everything Kyoto Animation has ever produced, that wouldn’t justify this.

That’s okay, she can certainly do better so she’s coming out ahead in this situation.

It’s not just you and it’s not due to age (like other commenters have suggested). Many of these terms come from the MRA (Men’s Rights Activists) community, and most haven’t made their way into the mainstream because that group’s way out on the fringe.

They do still use that, but it’s mainly for people who are threats to the store and/or employees. Repeat shoplifters in particular end up banned from pretty much every store in the region. That allows the store to call the police the moment one of those people step foot in the store, and have them arrested before they

In addition to what the others noted, another way people stole keys in the past was to trick a developer into giving them a bunch of keys for a giveaway or contest. Then they’d turn around and sell them all on G2A and similar sites without doing the giveaway/contest. That left the developer out of a bunch of potential

Capitalization of pronouns inappropriately can be a sign of someone who learned English as a second language. I suspect that’s what happened here, as there are other tells in their writing as well.

Not only did he get a ton of stars for something that was entirely wrong, he came back and got more by calling all the commenters pointing out he was wrong a “bunch of fucking pedophile incels.” Somehow I fail to see a single comment actually saying they approved of the relationship, so he pulled yet more “facts out

It’s even more interesting watching all these people explain to you that you have no fucking clue how the age of consent laws actually work, and then you call them all a “[b]unch of fucking pedophile incels” instead of learning something and admitting you were wrong.

He knew that it was a bad idea, notice how he keeps jerking back as he turns it? Maybe he didn’t realize how strong the geyser explosion would be, but he knew it was dangerous to take the cap off a hot radiator.

I got Dark Souls: Remastered for $3.99 this sale, which was an excellent deal, but that was because a discount for owning the regular edition stacked with the sale discount, making it 90% off. I think the sale discount was 50%.

Dont forget theft, obviously the kid didnt pay for all that air he was breathing.

Its pretty clear police departments across the US all subscribe to the theory that there are infinite numbers of alternate universes. Thats the only way to explain their insistence that police reports directly contradicting video are accurate. They are, just not in this universe.