
With the upcoming DeepFakes issue (when it’s possible to fake videos convincingly enough that no one but experts can tell it’s a fake), perhaps that can be put to good use. Apply it to a video like this, of some insecure white, racist, asshole(1) attacking a black child, and reverse the skin colors of the parties.

There’s far more than one single reminder that gamers can do good. There’s als Awesome Games Done Quick every January; Summer Games Done Quick every June; and Child’s Play that accepts donations all year long, but is most noticeable around Christmas (due to lots of groups doing donation drives then). That’s just three

Good news: He’s not dead, so no ghost. Bad news: He’s still an asshole.

I can’t read Japanese either, but given the fact that Shinji and Kaworu’s relationship in the rebuild movies is much less subtle, I seriously doubt this new version is accurately conveying the same tone as the original.

I don’t know, being able to kill the weeds and BBQ the neighbor’s dog at the same time could be a winning combo. That’ll teach them to stop letting their dog shit on your lawn!

There’s also dishes that get significantly worse with refrigeration. I used to make a dish that was elbow macaroni, fried hamburger meat and diced onions, mixed together with a can of tomato soup. Not terribly healthy, but cheap and tastes incredible when fresh.

I’m not about to try visiting the site, but Wikipedia claims their domain is dailystormer [.] name. Looking up the whois info for that shows the registrar used is in Hong Kong, so that’s a bust. (Searching Google for Eranet International Limited returns their address in Hong Kong.)

Assholes filled with assholes to infinity sounds about right. Probably something like this:

It also depends a lot on what you’re eating. For example, the liquid content of your meal. Eating a stew or a bowl of soup? Plenty of liquid in that, so drinking less or not at all is quite understandable. Eating something with next to no moisture in it, so dry it acts like a sponge and dries your mouth out? Pretty

If its done poorly, it can make the customers feel like the servers trying to get them to leave ASAP, even if they haven’t finished eating everything. What Salty suggests with framing it as checking that they didn’t leave their card should be fine, though. Asking if the customers need anything else at the same time

Not in most restaurants with table service. I’m not sure how it will work, either, because the norm is for the server to leave your receipt, usually in a little holder thing with a place to put your credit card. You stick your card in there, the server picks it up next time they come by to take it and scan it at

Part of it could also be the simple fact that it wasn’t something they were expecting to see, so they weren’t looking for it. There was a girl my age who got pregnant the summer between our 6th and 7th grades, but her parents didn’t find out until she was 8 months pregnant. Pretty much the whole school knew she was

You and others are getting two issues confused here. Issue #1 is that the original chosen contest winner’s entry was disqualified, possibly for a reason that would prevent Uniqlo from commercializing the design. (Only possible, because even in the case Kotaku discovered, the artist still owns the copyright on the

I certainly appreciate it! I like reading these articles because theyre interesting, but Ive never worked on a car and have no desire (or physical ability nowadays) to do so. So explanations for things like that are quite nice to see.

You never know, the ones that own Gizmodo media may decide to fire all the staff and outsource writing to the commenters. That sounds like the type of thing bean counters would think makes perfect sense.

People do care about a few of those, Hobby Lobby has had groups calling for boycotts of the store due in large part of Hobby Lobby fighting to not have to provide all forms of contraception in its insurance plans. This has had enough widespread attention that it’s a store I actively avoid, and have (largely

I remember pre-ordering the guides along with the games for Xenosaga Episode II and Episode III. It was fun getting them delivered and being able to flip through the guide to see the art I’d be running into over the course of the game.

Have you read the prequel series about the first formic war? It’s co-written with another author and is pretty good, even if some of the tech is a bit on the ridiculous side. Plus it’s fun to finally know exactly what the Formics did to poor China.

I first read it around the same time, and I knew the twist beforehand. It didn’t spoil the series for me, and in fact I’ve re-read the entire series once since then. Some people get so bound up in the revelations that they forget that there’s an entire journey to get to those revelations. Knowing the big twist in Ender

And then you have to play Desert Bus before you go to the next level? Thatd be hell to speed run.