This is a TAS run, only in a category with rules requiring the assists be doable by humans. Otherwise you’re correct, and breaking the record at all is impressive. This may also lead to the human record being broken using the same trick.
This is a TAS run, only in a category with rules requiring the assists be doable by humans. Otherwise you’re correct, and breaking the record at all is impressive. This may also lead to the human record being broken using the same trick.
It’ll be fun hearing their excuses after he (inevitably) does something similar again, and gets arrested again. I’m sure they’ll claim they had no idea that he might reoffend.
I’m not going to defend the troll, but there are times when men get screwed in divorces, but it’s not as often as some men think. One of my uncles suffered that, and since their kid was grown up and both of them retired, he didn’t have that route to earn more money. There were a lot of injustices, but the biggest was…
I spent a couple of years playing a mobile MMO on multiple servers. My experiences with Chinese players ranged from very good to very bad. Some servers they were total assholes, dominated the server, and horrible to everyone. (Including their own members, which led to lots of turnover and chaos even in their own…
They have a special ID called Taspo that smokers must acquire to buy cigarettes from vending machines. There’s no fee for it, and it can also store value, so smokers can pay with the card. They don’t have a system like that for beer vending machines, but those are less common on the streets nowadays. They’re more…
And here we thought creepy CGI was the worst way they could go about doing this.
I actually liked Tron: Legacy, but I didn’t see the original when it came out, and had only watched it a couple of years before the sequel, so I wasn’t part of the nostalgia audience. I do wish they’d done more with Quarra, the remaining ISO. They just hinted at what her existence could mean for us, then basically did …
I spent a few minutes researching that, seems Japan passed a law in the 90s making that legal. For it to work, there’s compulsary licensing costs added to both the equipment making it possible (for example, CD-R & RW drives) as well as to the blank media (CDs, MiniDiscs, etc.). It also looks like the rental shops have…
I’ve never tried one of those, but I don’t have problems with nails like some people apparently do. (Based on all the articles, like you noted.) I do have a nail go flying occasionally, but usually it vanishes from the face of the Earth and I never see it again, much less step on it. If it doesn’t vanish, it’s easy to…
Yep, and this policy is completely ignoring the reality that there are a lot of families with a parent working night shift. That parent’s probably going to be asleep when the school calls with some emergency, and the one who’s going to have to take care of said emergency. (The other parent, if there is one, is probably…
Built-in flashlight functionality isn’t there on all phones, even ones that have a new enough version of Android that it should be. My Galaxy S5 didn’t have it, even though it had OEM Android 6 on it. Android added the functionality in version 5, so it should have been available even before the upgrade to v6. Apparentl…
On older versions of Android disabling an app wasn’t possible, you either rooted to get rid of pre-installed crap, or you were stuck with it. That kind of thing is probably why Google added the disabling functionality.
I don’t really play very many games that don’t have an interesting story, and I tend to be really focused on the story. I’m not about to quit without learning the whole story, unless I have no other choice. I also don’t give up easily. Back when I could still play games like it, I beat all the story missions in Grand…
Yeah, I’ve tried those, I’ve tried pretty much everything. I do get motion sickness, too, but it’s relatively easy to deal with.
It’s absolutely amazing watching it no matter how many times I see it happen. Both my mom and dad react the same way, with a huge grin on their faces, totally blown away that science fiction’s been made real.
Their model probably won’t be needed, since a much more detailed one was done with laser scanners back in 2010. I doubt even Ubisoft thought it’d really be needed, but it was very nice of them to offer it, just in case.
I miss the days when teachers and principals at schools were allowed to make judgement calls. Sometimes someone does something against the rules because they were goaded into it, or forced to, but they aren’t a bad person. Your situation is a good example, he was very much threatening you, and he damn well forced you…
For once, the police and the arrestee’s statements don’t appear to be mutually exclusive. If the fire started in the back of the car, and the guy fled running away from the front, not passing the back of his car, he may not have realized it was on fire. The police say they saw sparks and fire from the undercarriage, bu…
I’d go with ImAnEdgeLordXXXX, unless Sony can break the normal username length limits, then they can add two more numbers to have a much larger set available. It’d serve as a definite warning to the person’s potential behavior, even if someone was totally unaware of how they ended up with that type of nick.
Don’t forget the curly fries, they use those for handcuffs.