
Exactly. I’m not very good at games, and I have to work hard at them to win a lot of times. I’ll usually try normal difficulty, but don’t mind switching to easy if I need to. I haven’t played any of From Software’s games, but as long as they were difficult but fair, I’d be fine with that. When it’s difficult and feels

Which is really stupid in that case. I remember playing a clicker game on Steam for a while, and it was obvious that some of the achievements were only obtainable by cheating. I got all the ones that were doable legitimately, then cheated to get the others and uninstalled the game and said to hell with it. Also kind of

That assumes we’d ever manage to beat the game without using free play or that invincibility cheat. That kind of assumption assumes that all players are equally skilled, or able to become equally skilled. It’s rarely true, for any number of reasons. There’s numerous games I never finished because I couldn’t beat them

You can’t put much stock in those, as it varies from restaurant to restaurant in the same area. In some cases, it varies inside the same restaurant if they have one of those table-top tablet devices you can pay on. Two places around here that do that (Red Robin & Applebees) list suggested tip amounts pre-tax on the

The requirement for employers to meet minimum wage for tipped employees is federal law. A lot of restaurants will do everything possible, even up to firing servers as you noted, to not to do so. In a lot of cases that means flat-out violating the law, by not telling employees the truth and hoping they won’t know

You know, AndTrollingIsHalfTheBattle could have phrased things better, but your position is morally indefensible. They very clearly noted that going out to eat was a rare treat. You’re saying that poor people should never go out to eat, even as a rare treat, if they’re too poor to tip an arbitrarily large amount that

The problem isn’t just using a cheat code for the most part, it’s using the cheat code and saving your game afterward. If you use the cheats to play around, like going on a rampage, but quit the game without saving afterward it won’t cause you problems later. There’s also some codes that will break individual missions

That behavior sounds exactly like what Comcast and other cable and telco companies have been doing: Advertise one price, then add on a lot of bogus charges so your final bill is much higher. (Like, why the hell are you charging an extra line-item for regional sports networks? Prices for providing content should be

Much higher tax rates for the top 10% and especially the top 1% can help a lot. The top tax rate was in the 70% - 91% range for most of the history of the United States’ federal income tax. We experienced significant economic booms throughout many periods when the top tax rate was so high, so it didn’t hurt the

Itll be the (real) movie marathon equivalent of The Onions 9,600 mile roller coaster. (I remain convinced some roller coaster enthusiasts would want to ride that if it was real, even with the underwater segments.)

They may be telling the truth for once. It was reported back in January that they stopped providing free coffee for employees at the NRA’s headquarters, because they can’t afford to do so any longer. A third party audit showed they were in the red for the second year in a row as well. Last year they lost most, if not

Probably, not like he was going to allow even a judge to interfere with his racist assholism.

By attacking a lawyer in the court house, he’s pretty well poisoned the well with every single judge in the county. His testimony for even traffic tickets won’t be taken as reliable by the judges, seriously impeding his doing a large part of his job. (Unless they want to stick him on permanent desk duty.) So at best he

In general I just use store-bought bathroom cleaner for our fiberglass tub, but if you have stubborn soap scum that you can’t get up with anything, I found a solution: Easy Off oven cleaner. It has to be the one with the blue cap, the fume-free one. (I’d really hate to smell the fume-full one...) Spray on the soap

From the article about the previous ban:

Somehow I doubt you wanted to continue pledging after that. Good for you, more people need to retaliate when hazed.

One of the things that impresses me the most is how CCP acts towards the players. For example here, not only were they happy to check and confirm she’d visited every player-accessible system, they also went and pulled her into the one non-player-accessible system in the game so that she’d really been to every system.

April 2041: Kotaku readers are outraged when someone dredges up an old comment by Jason Schrier promising a Final Fantasy IX retrospective that was to arrive the prior month. By May Kotaku’s headquarters are in flame, torched by angry gamers wanting their retrospective, while Kotaku higher-ups desperately try to locate

I doubt they even read the article before posting their hot take.

Guess they should cut down on the 10wSriracha.