
The Catholic church has come out in favor of taking the vaccine and masking up. Now, some of the conservative clergy disagree, but Underwood being a hardcore Catholic isn’t a reason for her to opposed mask mandates, or vaccination. If that is her position, that’s on her.

Oh wow. Did not expect that. Great news! Haven’t felt wholesome happiness much this past year.

Rita and Tom were two of the first public faces of Covid; we were all grateful that they both had relatively mild cases, but apparently their good fortune had some sort of weird side effect on their son, who seems to have suffered the brain damage that they avoided.

She was anti vaxx when she could rely on the humanity of others to get all those vaccines to protect her and her family.

Then COVID hit and she reluctantly was forced to stop being an idiot. She’s a fucking doctor.

Saying you’re not anti-vax while sowing dissent and misinformation about vaccines is like play #1 by anti-vaxxers. Jenny McCarthy says she’s not anti-vaxx too. I’ll judge her by her actions first, not her PR statements to save face.

Isn’t her stance that she’s “vaccine-hesitant” and a low-vaccine family? Essentially just anti-vaxx dogwhistles, the basic equivalent of “just asking questions” while continuing to promote the conspiracy theories.

Nope. Her modesty talk/slut shaming during MeToo makes her a dumpster fire pairing with the “no preggo models” guy.

Really? No mention that she’s using her neuroscience degree to push snake oil caffeine pills to unlock your brain power, or has had a bad history of anti-vaxx sentiments?

I hate when white men think we’re all as stupid as they are. 

Let me add a few other thoughts. I live in far northern Minnesota — very low population density, extreme climate, long distances to anywhere. My mechanic told me, “Fred, they don’t design cars for people like you.” A winter tester once said to him that after 20 below zero, you’re on your own. That’s a nothing-burger

No. It’s simpler. Range anxiety, cost, and poor “refuel” infrastructure. Americans took readily to electricity in other parts of their life. For the auto press, cars are toys to play with. For the rest of us, cars are tools to accomplish daily tasks, and the primary daily automotive task for most of us is the daily

So I thought the same as well many years ago, but eventually I came around. The reality is, the majority of the public doesn’t drive more than 300 miles (~Chicago to Louisville, 5 hours) in a single day, ever. Even that drive can be done on a single charge with the long range Teslas, but any tesla on sale today will

Hydrogen cars > EVs.
No range anxiety, and if we used nuclear stations to produce the hydrogen, we could do so without putting further strain on our electrical grid. Also, there are major environmental concerns/issues regarding Lithium, which is needed in vast quantities to make EVs feasible.  Until we get better at

I fit into this group.

isn’t it ironic that the Space Race was about ‘beating the Commies’ but now electric cars are ‘Commie bullshit’? it’s almost like the concept of American exceptionalism is inherently inconsistent; let us hope that Ford jumping feetfirst into electrics with Mustang and F150 will allow EVs to shed that image.

Nah. When I had a commute it was 12 miles each way, my Bolt does 220 miles to a charge, and it fully charges at home in 6 hours. 220 miles costs me $6 in electricity, vs $38 for the same miles of Costco regular gas in our ‘18 wagon which does the same 6.3 second 0-60. It’s also the most relaxing, easy car to drive in

For the “gasoline in their veins” crowd it’s all about the exhaust note. Doesn’t matter how fast your Tesla Model S Plaid is, if you can’t wake up the neighbors when you leave for work in the morning they don’t want it. It’s what bad boyz do.

“...and maybe even drive a little slower on the way there”

you either love Tesla and all the connotations it comes with, or you’re suspicious of what it’s peddling”

I own 9 internal combustion vehicles. My next purchase will be electric, partly to do my part to cut emissions and partly because I like how they drive. And I support an escalating carbon tax to help capture the externalities of fossil fuel usage and make cleaner energy sources more competitive.