
Don’t get me wrong, I love my husband, but...

If my husband leaves this earth before me, I have zero interest in ever marrying again. Precisely because of this. It’s easier now that our children are adults.

Okay, I’ll bite. For the parent whose primary work is in the home raising children and taking care of the house, is that not work? ‘Cause it sure as hell isn’t free if you have to outsource it. I’ll save you the trouble - it is work. House cleaning, cooking, and child care are jobs and they can be time consuming and

For me, I don’t want to be a single parent by choice by adopting on my own or via anonymous donation but I would make that choice if I had to (having a crappy husband).

I can’t think of a single friend whose man was doing his share before they got married though. There isn’t a single case where they can truly say it’s a surprise that after they got married he totally changed and stopped helping out. I mean, if you’re already buying your boyfriend’s mom her birthday present when

Seriously. Lots of “it would never happen to me!” here. And no acknowledgment that pre-kids domestic labor is a drop in the bucket compared to what happens after kids. He may be doing exactly what he did before kids, but it’s like a dribble compared to the onslaught of drudgery afteward.

So many thoughts on this one and no shot in hell at stringing them together in a coherent fashion.

Many men don’t seem to care about messy living quarters and they don’t have to as their manliness is bolstered by messiness. Meanwhile women are judged for “running” an untidy home. A relationship/marriage with separate living quarters could be helpful to avoid the responsibilities falling on the cleaner partner and

Someone on here talked about when she was married, her husband bitched about how things weren’t done and why couldn’t she be a better wife and mom? So she divorced him. He ended up being late to most events and lived in squalor (worse than when they were married), but then she said, at least I didn’t have to put up

The romantic in me wants to disagree with you but the more I sit here and think about it...yea. My husband is wonderful and I do think our marriage is a very well balanced partnership... I also feel like I have spent a lot of time and energy teaching him on how to be a functioning adult so we could have more of a

I have always been surprised by the number of people I know who seem to actively dislike their spouse and/or children. The societal pressure was strong, so they got married to someone who seemed good at the time, bought a house, popped at 2.5 kids, and generally distracted themselves from the conveyor belt of it all

All of this, especially your last sentence. Divorce is often liberating as the men are then forced to bear total responsibility on their parenting days. If the man is not a dangerous abusive dickhead, forget full/primary custody. Joint custody is the way to go. Many women actually like their husbands better after

Sounds like my parents, but my mom was always unhappy and couldn’t/wouldn’t leave. My dad couldn’t hold down a job and the only reason he didn’t end up on the streets and had healthcare is because of my mom. He only existed in my life to yell, scream, bully, and belittle me, so his parenting contributions were

I know a lot of my negativity towards men comes from watching the women in my life suffer through their relationships. I would say that each of the women in my family was independent and her own person in her own way. But in their relationships they had to suppress their personalities and wants while being expected to

THANK YOU for saying this. I also came from a family where not only my mother got fucked over, but almost every single one of my aunts got fucked over. And some of those women are still in their marriages and tell me they’re happy. But, they sure as fuck don’t look happy.

I’m sure it’s because I’m a barren millennial spinster with no prospects but I’m also sure it’s because I watched my mother and aunts struggle in their relationships with men that I am convinced that marriages with men are a true dice roll in life.

it does sound like it’s an Incel Bible for sure. 



As an American, this upsets me to an irrational degree. The whole administration was a dumpster fire and my country has structural problems, so no, this is not the most egregious thing ever. But still, to wear such a tasteless, trashy, “fuck u haterz” jacket knowing full well that she was supposed to be representing

As the great Maya Angelou said: when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time