It’s funny how whenever moviemakers are “inspired” by true events, American white men usually end up the heroes of the story even if they weren’t in reality.
It’s funny how whenever moviemakers are “inspired” by true events, American white men usually end up the heroes of the story even if they weren’t in reality.
The “inspired by the Amanda Knox saga” tied it to her, and she has a right to push back. Your flippant comment is asinine.
FWIW, her family were basically penniless after all the court battles, legal fees, flying back and forth to Italy, paying for a place to stay, etc. They’ve been honest about how the book advance went back to Italy in the form of paying all her debts - like, she literally HAD to write the book to not have her fam go…
I love the fact that at the heart of Amanda Knox’s saga, of which all the men around her including her then boyfriend and the actual murderer were moved to the background due to how both Italian and American culture works, this movie also completely removes her mother. Her parents, both of them together, stood next to…
Guys...I don’t want to cause a panic here, but I’m *starting* to think gaming has a male toxicity problem...
Jesus Christ. This is horrendous. These people, and those associated who can be identified, absolutely need to be held accountable for their behavior.
Holy crap. They were even bold enough to post online! That alone tells you the company was rotten all the way to the top in order to be so brazen and not fear any consequence. Some idiot at my company posted a picture of himself with a cartoonish lewd face and another employees butt behind him and he was gone a few…
You mean like when everyone said his stupid tunnels aren’t practical and they were correct?
Man the view must be nice from the cheap seats. You do realize that, in any sport at any level, an athlete can be doing great one day and literally lose it the next, right? Pitchers who suddenly can’t throw strikes? Point guards who suddenly can’t find the basket? Except here, if she loses her focus, she faces the…
Or did she do the right thing so she didn’t torpedo the teams chances. We don’t know how she looked during the warmup, it very well could have been that she was as off during her practices earlier in the day as she was during the competition and after that vault (which was pretty bad) it was decided that she shouldn’t…
Even a focused gymnast can end up crippled. Like, say, Elena Mukhina.
I don’t think even Intel could get a foundry up and running in 18 months (unless maybe they already had the site selected and approved). He thinks Tesla could do it, assuming literally everything goes perfectly? Like that’s so wrong I can’t really fathom it.
If you start a Fab (chip fabrication) plant today it would not come on line for 18-24 months even if you could find/buy/invent the custom machinery for production. The first article items would need extensive testing for temperature, humidity, durability, stability; more months. A home computer or phone chip is at…
Going to go make some popcorn to settle in reading all the excuses/defense of delying the Cybertruck by all the Teslafanbois and how this is a “good thing” and that it’s “still coming soon” and will be “the best there is and first one to market” all the while Ford and Rivian will be making deliveries in the next 6…
You cannot just get into semiconductor business. It requires very very significant investment and technology competence. China as big as it is, struggles to compete with high-end manufacturing.
So I significantly doubt Tesla can do much.
Take a look at tsmc roadmaps and you can see that they are already growing…
I would feel so, so much better if my child could be vaccinated. I will be there the first day she is eligible to vaccinate her.
Yup. We did the all the recommended things during the pandemic, got fully vaccinated when it was available, then resumed a normal life. Whether people like it or not, the isolation from sheltering in place took a very serious toll on a lot of people. My favorite description I heard was “there were a lot of people…
These are probably the best looking “regular” electric vehicles produced so far. “Hmm, should I get the beautifully restrained yet futuristic Rivian R1T with a useable bed or a wedge-shaped abortion?” Tough choice.
Even if this out if my price range, I hope they succeed because these look like genuinely cool vehicles
Flattering is such a fraught concept as a plus size person. There’s a real push back against the idea that we need to wear flattering clothing, because so much of what was said to be flattering (based on my experience as a teen in the 00's) was just clothing to look smaller, almost apologetic. Cover up, wear dark,…