
Republican women used the ladder Democratic women pulled down for them so they could get enough power to pull it up after them.

I really don’t know how Republican women cope with the cognitive dissonance. Then again, Republicans are damn good at denying reality even in the face of factual evidence.

it’s too bad these numbnuts wondered “why is my property turning on me??” and not “hmm, another Republican thinks T***p should be impeached for standing up in front of a bunch of angry cultists inciting them to commit insurrection on camera, maybe I should rethink my position?”  The entire party is fucked in the head.

The smartest thing a corporation can do is to cancel something. That means that conservatives will buy their product en masse to either have the thing being canceled or to destroy one of the products that was just paid for. 

To start, I don’t want to lessen the impact or the derision this article has to Ivanka Trump. She is a clown. However, this kind of fuzzy programming is absolutely a feature, not a bug, to all USAID programs. Once upon a time, I worked on a youth development initiative touted by a certain president who wishes to

Massive societal change is difficult, especially when the ruling elites don’t get anything out of it and find it so easy to suppress. And Ivanka was going to swoop in and fix it?

I get that the Trumps aren’t big on details, critical thinking, and long term planning but...

Wait, so USAID has been working on development economics since whenever, and development economics is hard, because it requires changes in how people think and act and their attitudes towards poor people. Massive societal change is difficult, especially when the ruling elites don’t get anything out of it and find it

These lines women must walk. I keep thinking, am I unwittingly complicit when I “dress for the job I want, not the job you have” and encourage others to do so? Am I just feeding into their stepford wife career clothing stereotypes to keep my upward trajectory? I do wear dresses and heels, or as Roxanne Gay aptly put

This so much. I tried to make a similar point to someone recently who was downplaying Cuomo’s behavior.

I’ve seen comments on coverage of the Cuomo allegations and of the interview with Charlotte Bennett. All these concern-trolls repeating “Why are people obsessing over something that’s not even sexual harassment... Why not focus on the real problem, Cuomo hiding nursing home deaths and killing people... etc., etc. This

I remember when a politician called me a girl. At the time, I was in my 30s, and I honestly had no idea what he was talking about. (My mom has this nasty habit too. I was telling her about a work problem, and she kept referring to my coworker as a girl. I had to remind my mom that the woman was in her 50s!)

I know this all too well. My best friend, for the last 34 years is exactly the person you described. High school was so much fun, but then, “It” started around college, when it was me just rolling my eyes at some of the guys she would date, or the fact she was going to parties on random days during the week and

This. Loyalty doesn’t mean not challenging dumb or destructive things you do or want to do.
Anyone who would dump a dog in a field would, I sense, metaphorically dump their friend in a field as well.

You could have stopped at “abandoned her dog in a field because it was annoying”, anyone that does that has serious psychological issues and needs to seek professional therapy and likely medication. That’s such a far cry from can’t handle a pet and surrendering to a shelter which is almost as shitty, but I wouldn’t

Am absolutely LIVING for people with “don’t tread on me” profile pics defending the British monarchy.

It’s also just nonsense to say the “royal family” has survived for any amount of time. Like, I’m sorry, is she Elizabeth Stuart? Tudor? Orange? York?

totally agree. I try to be as nonbiased as possible but I would readily admit that I am racist in ways because of my whiteness and how I grew up in this society as a whole. I try to call myself out on it, but nobody is perfect. I don’t go around saying I’m not.

I’m of the same belief. The vast majority of us are products of a racist society. No matter how kind and understanding of a person you are, you absorb many of that society’s biases both consciously and unconsciously. Which is why the antiracism is work that never ends. There’s always more to learn and unlearn. It’s

Especially when someone who is black says you are being racist! You don’t get to say “Nope, I’m not racist at all”