
So if you want to know the type of stuff that really bothers me about Meghan, this is it. I guess it’s all heresay, but it kind of checks out.

How dare a bride make a clothing decision for the people in her wedding!  Especially one that keeps the comfort of the children in mind.  

Counterpoint: if it was a warm day, no tights is vastly more comfortable than wearing tights. It’s ridiculous to force a small child to be uncomfortable because of “tradition.” That has nothing to do with Hollywood or Instagram.

The most Gen-Z thing is to complain about how something is not good enough, while enjoying the freedom to partake in the thing you are actually complaining about without any fear of being physically beaten or arrested.

It reminds me of all the younger generations who wanted to “cancel” gay pride parades because of how

While we’re on the subject of failures, why don’t you eat some avocado toast or something that Millennials supposedly do instead of buying houses and diamonds? Are you really mad that instead of fixing the world up the way you want it to be, we spent our youth getting fucked up and piercing ourselves in strange

Cool. I look forward to Millennials fixing America’s social ills since Gen-X failed. Then I look forward to articles like this, written by Gen-Z, complaining that Millennials did not fix America.

It’s really fascinating. For example, they had to find a client who a) was currently pregnant b) wanted an abortion and c) understood that they wouldn’t be able to get one if they were the plaintiff (if they got one in Texas, they’d be committing a crime, if they got one elsewhere, the defendants could argue women

So she should be even more sympathetic to other women in her situation, not sell them out. 

Came here to say - this actually makes her sound worse. “I got mine and I’m healthy, so fuck you. I’d rather have money than you have the same.”
It’s not like she regretted it (very few women do), she was willing to sell out at the expense of millions of other women.
Fuck her. 

I’d laugh about it if everyone was able to get abortions these days, but they can’t. 

Meh, she was exposing the fact that the evangelicals had been conned. I think it’s funny.

Norma had an extremely messed up life way back to her childhood. This does not surprise me. Just another case of evangelicals being just as shitty as I imagine them to be.

It was shitty for evangelicals to bribe her, but also shitty of her to accept it, considering the consequences.

Same. I actually found this part really annoying - “the fact that mental illnesses are just that—illnesses” - because one of the most effective coping strategies I’ve found in my own lifelong struggle with depression is accepting it as a part of me, not a malignancy. Back in the medieval era they just said you were a

My depression is very seasonal, so the first spring days where the sunlight seeps into my system and makes me feel warm and light and happy really are beautiful. I know most people love that sensation of warmer days arriving, but I don’t know if I’d appreciate them quite so much if they didn’t represent the top of the

But I’ve learned to find it beautiful because I feel the world,” she says.

Disappointed (but not surprised) in the lack of empathy shown by this piece and the commenters. Depression is a physiological condition that, like any other, is eased by status but certainly not nullified by it. Rich beautiful white woman can and do get and die from cancer. They can and do and get and die from

She didn’t say depression is beautiful. She said she’s learned to find her own depression beautiful. Depression is different for everyone; I don’t see the harm in her trying to see the positive side of her mental illness.

I don’t know her depression, or your depression - I barely understand mine most days - but if that’s how she comes to grips with her experience, she should be allowed to speak to it.  She isn’t making a sweeping statement about Depression, just her own experience.

And I don’t even think she was describing depression as beautiful but the intensive sensitivity to the world that may have been the locus of it.