
Probably Mother makes him wear that kind when she’s forced into her wifely duties, so he got confused.

Please forgive me as I’m a lifelong heathen but, isn’t “not lying” one of the ten commandments? And isn’t this vanilla ice cream cone addicted to Jesus?

I’m curious how many trumpers drank bleach last night. He’s going to get so many more people killed. 

This is a nightmare. This is a fucking nightmare that this deeply stupid man is our president and has a legion of morons willing to die — and take the rest of us with them — to protect his fragile ego and “own the libs”.


Yeah, my first instinct is to side with Lauren, that this is just tokenism. However, I think it’s also really important, for lack of a more diplomatic way of saying it, to remember how important tokens can be, if they also demonstrate savvy and skill.

So so many people to blame for the catastrophe of 2016

Do not compare likely running mates Kamala Harris, Val Demmings, Stacy Abrams, or Liz Warren with Sarah Palin. This isn’t about tokenism, and this isn’t about bringing in some cornpone cover girl because she’s pretty and sassy. This is about bringing in a serious intellectual with solid experience and national

It DOES matter. If Biden wins the nomination and the election, he is only going to be a ONE TERM President. He is setting his VP up to run and win the next election. 

Welp. Do I like Biden? No I do not. Is he going to be the nominee? Looks that way. Does that make me happy? No it does not. Will I vote for him and try to encourage as many people as possible to do the same? Absolutely yes I will. And I have to try to keep the faith that the younger generation of progressives will

What does it mean for your vote to “matter”? This is a country of 300 million people and in the neighborhood of 120 million voters. Most of those people vote in noncompetitive districts. That’s what gerrymandering has offered us.

Biden is absolutely fine.

As others have pointed out, down ballot actually counts even more. That's where district lines are determined, and even things like which laws will actually be enforced locally. Always vote down ballot.

I’m fascinated by the degree to which the “cognitive decline” and “dementia” narratives are employed by the same people who also peddle the DNC conspiracy narrative. Democratic leaders had the last nine months to try to nudge Biden out of the race if they thought he was in “decline,” and those people know him and see

Down-ballot races are just as important, and in some ways more important, than the presidential vote, and they are places where your vote carries much more weight. Republicans won big in 2010-16 by running for everything down to local dog catcher, and wrapped up dozens of state governments as a result. 

We need to remember Biden had a pretty serious speech impediment growing up. I think his tendency to misspeak is related to coping with that. I think he seems to talk fast and spit out half sentences as a result. Don’t buy into the narrative, he’s just a flawed human like all of us.

Who does Trump debate? Yeah, he speaks at crowded rallies, but that’s because getting cheers is his hobby, not a necessary component of his job.

Bernie wins twitter primary everytime. Social media organizing does squat and African Americans truly only get behind people that they know unless it’s a once in a lifetime candidate like Obama is what I learned. And African Americans vote every single time. They show up. If you saw the clip of the two Biden voters

I watched Biden’s speech last night in the mostly empty room, and I didn’t see a man suffering from early signs of dementia at all, contrary to what Trump and/or the BernieBros would like you to believe.

To quote the defining adage of our current times: Young People Tweet, Old People Vote.