
Some chud on Twitter posted that the first female president would be a Republican, and while the guy is dumb as dirt I think he had a point. Trump taught the GOP they can win by running to the Dem’s left on some issues (like trade). The GOP will absolutely nominate some female ghoul to win the Idpol vote. That person

The snake moment is I think what killed my enthusiasm for voting for Bernie. I’m going to but that’s just so clear in my mind. The automatic assumption that of course SHE was lying...Bernie would never say such a thing...

It worked our for Selina Meyer!

What we have learned from watching six women run for president is quite similar to what we learned watching just one: That sexism is insidious and unidentifiable; that the desire to name it, to see it, to understand it, is dubious. The next president will be a man, as the 44 prior presidents have been. I’m still

Yes, they responded to a woman’s allegations of sexism by calling her a snake and a liar. That’s a good look. Really rallies people (especially women) to the One True People’s Champion.

Ah, but you see, those Sanders goons calling Warren a snake only did so because she *checks notes* put together a plan that realistically laid out how to achieve Medicare for All, and as such is a terrible centrist sellout liberal who must be to the right of Joe. Oh, also She’s using a PAC, which means she’s in the

Maybe the coronavirus will make Pelosi president. But, yeah, I called it yesterday, the first female president will probably be a WOC who was selected as veep by a white male to balance out the ticket. Kamala Harris, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Stacy Abrams, or (god help us all) Nikki Haley.

Behind a man who passes away is a woman who outlives him.” - Statistics

Our first woman president will be a VP who steps into office because one of these old white men kick off. It’s really depressing that’s where we need to start, but I’m beginning to think there’s no other way.

YES. Seriously, how hard would it be? Instead of #notallberniesupporters and writing dissertations of poorly thought-out whataboutisms, try just saying “Yeah those guys are assholes. Sorry they were dicks to you. I just try to focus on his policies and ignore them...” or whatever.

My point was not about digs at Warren supporters specifically, but about the kinds of dismissive reactions to toxic Bernie supporters in general. A lot of people have been dealing with their rabid nonsense for the last 4-5 years, and as much as you want to lay blame equally, it was Bernie people sending snake emojis

This kind of dismissive gaslighting response is exactly why people aren’t jumping on board. It’s reflective of how Bernie deals with criticism.

Can you point to the part in my response where I said Biden was my second choice? This is a bad faith reading of my comment and something bernie supporters go to all the time. Instead of advocating for your candidate, you try to shame folks based on your deliberate misreading of their comment.

First off, fuck you. I never participated in any of the online harassment.

that’s also true of Warren supporters

I’ll just sit here very patiently waiting for extremely online Warren support

Why didnt you vote for her then? I really struggle with this line of thinking. If people thought she was the best for the job why not vote for her?

So, which states do we let decide who becomes the nominee?  Which Democrats should we ignore?

This is what I have been saying. Sanders let her fall on the sword to explain how she would pay for an expansion of healthcare in this country. If he’s the nominee I’ll vote for him, but I will never forgive him for that. 

She made the fatal error of trying to explain how her health care plan would be paid for. She should have just made promises like Bernie and Trump and never be truthful about how it would all work. People want to hear you’re getting free college, we’re going to build a wall, not turn to page 126 to see eliminating the