
Unfortunately, the US has a culture of “go to work sick”. It’s going to be hard to keep people home, particularly people with no paid sick leave and can’t afford to not get paid.

1. I have not listened to these recordings, but my impression is that they do not necessarily exonerate Johnny Depp. They imply that Amber Heard is also abusive, which I don’t think anyone is denying at this point.

Yes. It wasn’t just one vice for pretty ol’ Johnny, it had to be all of them: smoking, drinking, and all types of illicit drugs.

Domestic violence accusations aside, Johnny Depp has really become a generation’s poster child for how quickly the switch flips on your face when you’ve got decades of substance abuse under your belt. I mean, he’s 56. Somewhere around the age of 50, it’s like he got hit by a truck and required reconstructive surgery.

They both have to fight Nicolas Cage?

It honestly just costs a lot of money to feed and entertain a number of people. Like, if I threw an event with a 3 course meal and open bar for 100 people that wasn’t a wedding it would be similarly costly (and I’ve done that in the past for various jobs). 

Yeah but some of us have standards. :)

“Women don’t want to get raped but do want to have sex? Sounds pretty hypocritical”

Ouch. That is interesting, though. What’s the average divorce rate, like 50%? It would be like spending 40K on a new car if 50% of them ending up being lemons that anthropomorphised and stalked you on Instragram.

I would hope so too, but in a world of selfish manchildren, it’s hard to find. 

And where’s the Me Too women? Do you not see the hypocrisy?

Get those sexy ladies out of here! I need to see something wholesome, like millionaires giving each other brain damage.

It’s great when you can find a partner who has a similar drive and when you both like to please. Nicest thing I’ve heard after that activity, was when a woman I dated said “My gosh, you are so much fun!” And that’s the way it should be — Fun.

It’s rare to find a generous lover of either gender TBH. Too many people expect the other person to take the lead and literally do all of the work. 

This is so heart warming. Thank you for sharing.

LOL!! This is true. I told my husband that my turn-on is him doing the dishes unprompted. It hasn’t really motivated him yet...

Yeah, I’ve gotten to the point where sex is nice but not really worth the hassle. Orgasms have always been difficult for me, doubly so with a partner (they’re distracting, lol). Best sex I’ve ever had was with another woman, because god love men but they don’t know what the fuck even they’re doing, especially if you


I was once roundly yelled at on a sister site here for prioritizing sex in my romantic relationships.

As my married best friend says, the best female viagra would be a husband that does his share of the housework and parenting and a workplace that actually accommodates working mothers’ needs.