
In 2005, Rolling Stone called Sanders the “amendment king” for his ability to get more roll call amendments passed than any other congressman during the period since 1995, when Congress was entirely under Republican control. Sanders’s position as an Independent allowed him to form coalitions across party lines.

Honestly, if Bernie wins the primary I’m going to be more concerned who his running mate is because there’s a very good chance that person will end up as president. Bernie wasn’t my first choice in the last election, but I really thought he was aware enough to know that he shouldn’t run again, based on both his

I am old enough to remember when Gore was talking about Climate Change in (checks calendar) 1999 and 2000. Then he made a whole movie about it. Talking about stuff is what Bernie does. Doing stuff? Not so much.

Heaven forfend people vote for Warren who is progressive AND knows how to get shit done when you can split the vote between a progressive who has never done legislative shit (let’s be real, Bernie’s great at campaigning but he’s no doer)

Dems first tried to pass universal healthcare in like 1993. Where was Bernie then? 

The “centrist” candidates are now talking about healthcare reform, climate change, college tuition reform, immigration reform, and paid family medical leave.

Four bills that he sponsored have passed in (checks notes) his almost 40 years. Yeah, no. He hasn’t done much. Because he doesn’t work with people. 

I agree. Would add one more: Bernie wins the nom, and he wins the election, and the dems get a majority in the senate. Bernie does not compromise, yields his general lack of accomplishment over the first two years of his term and nothing changes. Because he can’t compromise. Then the Dems lose the senate, the house,

That’s just not a credible claim. Elizabeth Warren basically created a cabinet department. Name just one Bernie Sanders accomplishment that is even nearly as significant as that. 

Um...Warren is done. She won’t win any delegates in Nevada or South Carolina, either, so she’s banking on finding some way to emerge from Super Tuesday with a justification for remaining in the race. And that justification is not coming.

Seriously? He literally has a heart condition and is almost an octogenarian. If he was your father, grandfather etc and you cared about him would you want him to have the most stressful job in the world? Yet those who love him are cool with that because Us means him and/or whoever he decides to have as a running mate.

Here are the only possible outcomes:

I can’t believe Pete Buttigieg’s plan to 40 under 40 his way to the White House because he read The Secret is actually working.

I’m obsessed with Victorian snake rings! They’re often not that high gold count (9k) and the gems are often semi-precious, rubies and sapphires in the eyes being the most common, so they often aren’t _that_ expensive as real jewelry goes, although of course you can find fancier versions. It’s nice to see a nerdy histor

What I’m taking from this is that you, Tracy, are doing a much better job of cultural commentary than Jennifer Weiner is doing. I’m 54. I’m ambivalent about my own place in the hierarchy of sexual objectification, because while I absolutely understand, and feel, the deep problems of objectifying women’s bodies, and

I’m confused: a big part of JLo’s job is to be incredibly hot. Her body is exceptional because she works incredibly hard to make it so—-it’s not impossible, just very hard. People do very hard things all the time when they have incentives to do so. I mean, folks are aware that she is a professional performer and

Vegetarian here, 100% side with BK. IMHO it's up to the person to ensure food the food is meat-free/it's unrealistic to think veggie foods from any place that isn't strictly vegetarian has no "cross-contamination". 

The position is not “caregiver.” The household has an au pair already. Socking away $50K a year and taking a bunch of international vacations sounds fucking great to me. 

I have been thinking about this ad all weekend.