
I wish it were wildly outdated. But I work with college kids and we talk about consent and rape in a couple of the courses I teach, and by and large the guys have a very simplistic view of rape and rapists. We’ve not evolved as much as a culture as we think we have. Many of the guys still aren’t grappling with the

“Suzie was assaulted at a party and is a victim of rape. The police took a look at what she was wearing and noticed that the high school football team was hosting the party and they are all from at least upper middle class, white families. They have a backlog of rape kits, anyway. Which of the probable suspects will

I was going to say the accurate answer is that the rape kit will sit in limbo for 4-6 years, conveniently long enough for the statute of limitation to run out. 

Right?! It could have used DNA from a hair sample found at the scene of just any old crime! It could have been a question about paternity! (Though comparing parent-child DNA is admittedly different than matching sperm cells. But still.) It could have not had a cute little “story” attached to it, and simply asked

I would accept that if felon didn’t explicitly mean that someone had been convicted of a crime. You’re not a felon until you’ve been convicted, and very few rapists ever see a courtroom (or an interrogation room), let alone a conviction. (The question, obviously, misuses “felon” as well, unless all three suspects have

In order to be accurate, the question should say “Suzy was raped at a frat party. She called the police, and the sperm evidence was collected. The sperm sat in storage for 20 years. Once finally tested, it was revealed that Suzy’s rapist was now a Congressman. Suzy urged the state to prosecute him, but the prosecutor

AND this question could be re-written so easily so as to not cause a problem:

Correct answer: When the responding officer arrived at the scene, he took one look at Suzy and decided that based on her appearance she must have been asking for it. Based on this assumption, he never offered to collect a rape kit. He gathered no physical evidence, made one attempt to get a copy of the video from the

There are so many possible test problems that could be written suitably for a high school (biology? criminology? What the hell was this class?) exam, without going to semen samples and rape.

Trump is more like three kids who escaped from afternoon detention in a trench coat, and somehow they’ve wandered into our home and fooled Mom into thinking they’re Dad, and Mom cheers for everything Dad says even though it’s quite obvious the kid doing the talking has Tourette’s syndrome.

Fuck that fucking question right to the ballot box.

Hillary Clinton would have lost in 08. Not because she isn’t qualified, I think she’d have been an excellent president. Her problem was hubris and centrism. For whatever reason, establishment dems cling to the idea that voters want moderates, in spite of the trends for the past 2 decades (Dems haven’t won a

Nobody asks that question (i.e., can one win?) of white men because we (full disclosure) are the only ones who ever do. And we do because we’re usually the only option, and when we’re not the only option, we’re almost always an option. Combine that with the fact that white women like to vote for white men, which is

Look, no one wants Mommy Liz and Daddy Bern to fight.

Buttigieg is a boomer.  

Have you ever noticed that those who decry what they call “identity politics” always seem to default towards voting for and supporting white men.  I’m sure that’s just a coincidence, amirite?

The reponses each candidate should have made but didn’t:

Warren nailed it.

The time for a woman for president is now, just as it was in 2016, when Hillary Clinton essentially won the popular vote. The real elephant in the room, however, is that our national security agencies failed us. Donald Trump has been a Russian asset, and money-laundering criminal for decades. He shouldn’t have been

her business model is the same as fucking alex jones. and we should be villifying her to the extent that he is. fucking con artists pushing bullshit narratives.